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Callingallangels:Memory of MelissaC

Spende geschützt

Thats the problem with  the days
They're never long enough to say
What it is you never said
All the books you never read -Pride and Joy, Brandi Carlile.

We were brought together by a common love and bond. We formed a family and created an unspeakable language of hope and love. We take care of each other and each other families, laugh with each other, and now we grieve together.

Our sweet friend Melissa has gone home.  She is with her mother but the hole she left here with us will never be filled.  Her laugh was as infectious as a catchy tune, specifically a  Brandi Carlile tune. The love she was able to give to her family and friends was warmer than a thousand suns. Anybody who can take an abused and abandoned animal and mend it like she did has to be blessed with the a healing hand and heart. Not many can step up to the plate like she did.

 She had alot of loves in life, her partner Miranda Noel, her furbabies, and .... wait for it....... Brandi Carlile.  There are no words that we can say to express the sadness of our thoughts. There can never be enough tears to relieve us of our sorrows but we ban together to create a sign of love and dedicate our time to the causes that were dear to our Sweet Melissa.

In honor of Melissa, everyone who donates if you want ,you will receive a red bandanna no matter what amount you contribute.If you want a red bandanna please email us at the email link below so that you may receive this gift. We are doing this because in the last month of her life Melissa attended a Brandi Carlile  concert in St. Louis Missouri. At this concert Melissa laid a red bbandanna  on stage in which Brandi so graciously  accepted. This meant the world to Melissa. So we will continue to spread the love ,kindness, and positivity that was Melissa to you by giving you this red bandanna in honor of Melissa. 
 The email is [E-Mail ausgeblendet].

Funds will also be divided equally into  three separate causes that were dear to Melissa: The looking out foundation, the american cancer society, and the humane society or an animal rescue of Miranda's choice.  Her partner Miranda will be the beneficiary of all funds.


  • Patrick Carlin
    • $10
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jaune Sonnier
Seattle, WA
Miranda Beadles

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt