Melting Point for Al Otro Lado
All donations from the Gofundme will go directly to Al Otro Lado.
Melting Point is a collective of artists created to help raise funds and support for Al Otro Lado, a nonprofit immigration and political amnesty legal deffense for people from Latin America.
Al Otro Lado is a bi-national, direct legal services organization serving indigent deportees, migrants, and refugees in Tijuana, Mexico. The bulk of our services are immigration-related. However, the needs of the people Al Otro Lado serves are diverse, so they also coordinate with attorneys and non-legal professionals in a range of areas such as family law, labor law, criminal law (particularly post-conviction relief), and employment law. The organization also assists families with aspects of reunification in Mexico when it has been determined by U.S. authorities that it is in the best interest of the child to live with his or her parent in Mexico. Al Otro Lado works with non-custodial deported parents to ensure their rights as parents are protected in the United States family court system.
Al Otro is Al Otro Lado is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit organization incorporated in California.