Support Melusina
Donation protected
Merci fir all Contributioun! Thank you for your contribution!
De Fundraiser ass eriwwer, mee mir gesinn eis hoffentlech geschwënn am Melusina.
The fundraiser is over, but hopefully, we'll see you very soon at Melusina.
Léif Clienten, Frënn a Melusianer, (scroll down for english)
1984 ass de Ronald Reagan US-Präsident ginn, d’Ghostbusters hunn am Kino Geeschter gefaangen an de Prince huet “Purple Rain” gesongen.
1984 war och d’Gebuert vum Melusina, wéi mir en haut kennen.
Scho 36 Joer laang zitt de Club d’Nuetseilen u wéi e Magnéit, sief et als Eventlocation, Concertssall oder Danztempel. Seng Maueren an der Rue de la Tour Jacob kënnen dausende Geschichten zielen, a mat all Generatioun kommen Neier dobäi. De Melu gehéiert zu Lëtzebuerg wéi de Kachkéis an d’Gëlle Fra.
D’Kultplaz gouf wéi all aner Acteuren am Nuetsliewen an am Event-Beräich duerch déi aktuell Restriktioune schwéier getraff. Wéini an ob d’Dire vum Melu erëm ouni Aschränkunge kënnen opgemaach ginn, ass net virauszegesinn. Mee d’Käschte lafe weider, ouni Aussiicht op Direkthëllefe vun offizieller Säit.
De Melusina steet fir Liewensfreed, Gesellegkeet an Zesummenhalt.
Dofir hu sech e puer vun den aktuellen a fréiere Melusaurier zesummegedoen, fir mat engem Lidd e positive Message eraus ze schécken. An de leschte Wochen a Méint ass jidderengem kloer ginn, wéi wichteg den tëschemënschleche Kontakt ass, a wéi elementar et ass, och emol heiansdo kënnen ofzeschalten an d’Welt fir e puer Stonne mat aneren Aen ze gesinn. (ganz eropscrolle fir de Video ze kucken )
De Melusina Staff, d’Barleit an d’DJs freeë sech elo schonn drop, wa mir nees all zesummen am Clausener “Tempel” e Patt huelen a feiere kënnen. Mir hoffen, dir hutt all Freed mam Song an en hëlleft iech, a manner schéine Momenter un déi gutt Zäiten ze denken.
All Geste zielt.
Mir géingen eis immens freeën, wann dir dem Melu eng Hand mat upake géift, fir an den nächste Wochen a Méint iwwer d’Ronnen ze kommen. Merci fir all Contributioun!
An net vergiessen: Geschwë kënnt den Dag … :-)
Dear customers, friends and “Meluholics”,
1984 was the year that Ronald Reagan was elected president of the USA, the Ghostbusters did their thing on the silver screen and Prince sang “Purple Rain”.
1984 was also the birth of Melusina as we know it.
For 36 years now, the club has been the go-to place for night owls by hosting events, concerts and legendary parties. If its walls could talk, they would tell a thousand stories, with each generation adding new ones at the cult venue in the Rue de la Tour Jacob. The “Melu” is a symbol of national identity, comparable to the “Gëlle Fra” and the very tasty and sticky “Kachkéis”.
The event and nightlife industry has been hit the hardest by the restrictions in place today due to the pandemic. As for now, there is no telling when Melusina will be allowed to get back to business as usual. But it is threatened by the financial strain of its considerable running costs, and there have been virtually no direct aids from the government to shoulder them.
Melusina represents “joie de vivre”, conviviality and solidarity.
That’s why present and former “Melu-heads” have come together to send out some positive vibes with a song. The lockdown showed us how important human interactions and relationships really are, and how vital it is to be able to tune out from the world sometimes to get a fresh perspective on things. (scroll all the way up to watch the video )
The Melusina staff, barmen / -maids and DJs are looking forward to seeing you again at our “temple” in Clausen to raise our glasses and party. We hope that you enjoy the song and that it helps you remember the good times whenever you feel down.
You can help.
We would really appreciate all the support you are able to give to help Melusina get through this difficult situation in the coming weeks and months. Thank you for your contribution!
And don’t forget: soon the day will come … :-)
De Fundraiser ass eriwwer, mee mir gesinn eis hoffentlech geschwënn am Melusina.
The fundraiser is over, but hopefully, we'll see you very soon at Melusina.
Léif Clienten, Frënn a Melusianer, (scroll down for english)
1984 ass de Ronald Reagan US-Präsident ginn, d’Ghostbusters hunn am Kino Geeschter gefaangen an de Prince huet “Purple Rain” gesongen.
1984 war och d’Gebuert vum Melusina, wéi mir en haut kennen.
Scho 36 Joer laang zitt de Club d’Nuetseilen u wéi e Magnéit, sief et als Eventlocation, Concertssall oder Danztempel. Seng Maueren an der Rue de la Tour Jacob kënnen dausende Geschichten zielen, a mat all Generatioun kommen Neier dobäi. De Melu gehéiert zu Lëtzebuerg wéi de Kachkéis an d’Gëlle Fra.
D’Kultplaz gouf wéi all aner Acteuren am Nuetsliewen an am Event-Beräich duerch déi aktuell Restriktioune schwéier getraff. Wéini an ob d’Dire vum Melu erëm ouni Aschränkunge kënnen opgemaach ginn, ass net virauszegesinn. Mee d’Käschte lafe weider, ouni Aussiicht op Direkthëllefe vun offizieller Säit.
De Melusina steet fir Liewensfreed, Gesellegkeet an Zesummenhalt.
Dofir hu sech e puer vun den aktuellen a fréiere Melusaurier zesummegedoen, fir mat engem Lidd e positive Message eraus ze schécken. An de leschte Wochen a Méint ass jidderengem kloer ginn, wéi wichteg den tëschemënschleche Kontakt ass, a wéi elementar et ass, och emol heiansdo kënnen ofzeschalten an d’Welt fir e puer Stonne mat aneren Aen ze gesinn. (ganz eropscrolle fir de Video ze kucken )
De Melusina Staff, d’Barleit an d’DJs freeë sech elo schonn drop, wa mir nees all zesummen am Clausener “Tempel” e Patt huelen a feiere kënnen. Mir hoffen, dir hutt all Freed mam Song an en hëlleft iech, a manner schéine Momenter un déi gutt Zäiten ze denken.
All Geste zielt.
Mir géingen eis immens freeën, wann dir dem Melu eng Hand mat upake géift, fir an den nächste Wochen a Méint iwwer d’Ronnen ze kommen. Merci fir all Contributioun!
An net vergiessen: Geschwë kënnt den Dag … :-)
Dear customers, friends and “Meluholics”,
1984 was the year that Ronald Reagan was elected president of the USA, the Ghostbusters did their thing on the silver screen and Prince sang “Purple Rain”.
1984 was also the birth of Melusina as we know it.
For 36 years now, the club has been the go-to place for night owls by hosting events, concerts and legendary parties. If its walls could talk, they would tell a thousand stories, with each generation adding new ones at the cult venue in the Rue de la Tour Jacob. The “Melu” is a symbol of national identity, comparable to the “Gëlle Fra” and the very tasty and sticky “Kachkéis”.
The event and nightlife industry has been hit the hardest by the restrictions in place today due to the pandemic. As for now, there is no telling when Melusina will be allowed to get back to business as usual. But it is threatened by the financial strain of its considerable running costs, and there have been virtually no direct aids from the government to shoulder them.
Melusina represents “joie de vivre”, conviviality and solidarity.
That’s why present and former “Melu-heads” have come together to send out some positive vibes with a song. The lockdown showed us how important human interactions and relationships really are, and how vital it is to be able to tune out from the world sometimes to get a fresh perspective on things. (scroll all the way up to watch the video )
The Melusina staff, barmen / -maids and DJs are looking forward to seeing you again at our “temple” in Clausen to raise our glasses and party. We hope that you enjoy the song and that it helps you remember the good times whenever you feel down.
You can help.
We would really appreciate all the support you are able to give to help Melusina get through this difficult situation in the coming weeks and months. Thank you for your contribution!
And don’t forget: soon the day will come … :-)
Melusina Club