Melwyn Facial and nasal Palate Surgery
Donation protected
HI my name is Joe and i am fundraising for Melwyn Noronha who met with an accident in 2012 in India and was hit by a truck and has severely damaged his skull, nasal palate, he is currently visually impaired for the rest of his life and is deaf in his left year and needs the money to do another facial reconstructive surgery so that he can taste food and smell and eat like a normal human being , its been 12 years and funds are very hard to come by, i just came to know of his plight after speaking to friends and his wife and found out about him. I earnestly plead of all you good citizens out there if you can help in anyway as he is married and his wife Ruella Noronha works 6 days a week 12 hours a day and am not counting the hours she has to cook and clean for their two lovely children aged 14 months and their daughter aged four years who are living life according to their sheer will and faith and the perseverance of Melwyn to this day who smiles and has never seen the face of his daughter and his son. His wife Ruella is a hard working individual and 2 years into their marriage the accident happened and till this day she has stood by her husband and never ever gave up and still continues to do so without a word of complaint but accepted her fate. If you can find it in your heart to give whatever you can please do and i will give you her number directly in India and all the medical reports etc so you can verify it for yourselves and even send you more photographs or even a video call to verify the same.
Whatever you can do please do as i am doing my bit whatever i can but i dont have the amount of 17000 pounds equivalent and i am asking for help on their behalf in India. Thank you again for reading this post. God bless you all
Joe D’Souza