Memorial fund for family of Shawn Matthews
To everyone who knew and loved Shawn Matthews:
This fundraiser is organized by friends of Shawn for those who want to do something to help Juli and family during this time. As most of you know, Shawn passed away last Friday, July 30th from a massive heart attack in Springfield, MO. He was buried Sunday, August 1st. Several memorial gatherings will be planned in the coming weeks and we will update on Shawn's Facebook and here when final plans are made.
All funds will go directly to Juli, Shawn's wife, to help with cost of burial, support for living expenses and helping get shawn's family through this trial. Shawn was in the middle of several home remodel projects and farm/land projects when he passed, so any amount will help tie up loose ends and alleviate some pressure for Juli.
From Shawn's wife, Juli:
I wish I could say what you’ve been reading on FB about Shawn was a bad joke or some elaborate hoax to drum up business for his new brand, but it is not a bad joke. It is a harsh reality, dear friends. Shawn had a massive heart attack Friday afternoon and didn’t survive it.
Your outpouring of love and expression of your heartbrokenness is appreciated beyond words. ❤️❤️❤️
We will be having a celebration of his life within the coming weeks. Details to come when plans have been solidified.
When I say he loved you all, that is an understatement that I know I don’t need to explain to you if you knew him at all. Thank you for your love, prayers, and offers of help and support.
Shawn and I shared a belief and hope in the most High God, YHWH, and that is the only thing sustaining me right now and giving me an unfathomable peace. Please do not lose touch!! I will need you all in the coming days, weeks, and months ahead.
Cheers for now to the best and most unboring man I’ve ever known,