Donation protected
SWISH +46736986021 or +46707345546. Name your contribution “menskopp”.
The menstrual cup can change lives. It can be the reason a young woman finishes school with high attendance and good grades, gets out of poverty and can live a more equal life because she is earning her own money. The menstrual cup creates physical and financial freedom and is a much safer option both for the girls’ health and for the environment. So join the #menstrualcuprevolution and donate now! ...and why not start using it yourself? Once you understand how it will change YOUR life, you can’t NOT believe in it!
A menstrual cup is so much more than just a sanitary product, it can change a young woman’s life, it can be the difference between poverty and higher education!
In the summer of 2018, we (Madelaine and Jennifer) went to Tanzania to support a school with young adults striving for a second chance in life. We held sex education classes and discussed the topic of menstruation. Mr. Steven Saningo, the founder of the school shared with us the difficulties his female students faced during their period. Most of them missed school due to lack of sanitary and hygienic opportunities as well as the stigma surrounding their menstruation. Most can’t afford sanitary pads and due to the stigma, many would not ask the family to pay for this as it is a private matter. The girls instead use whatever they can use, such as old rags and socks, banana leaves, etc. If they do use sanitary pads they can’t afford to change them as often as you would need. The rags cannot be dried outside due to the shame of being exposed, so it has to dry in their house. All this contributes to a high risk of infection. Most schools don’t have any running water, and probably no water at all, and there is often no waste bins in the toilets. The drainage is not very functional and the pads cannot be thrown there, so many carry them in their backpacks all day – praying it won’t smell or else they will get teased. From a sustainability point of view, waste management is very poor in Tanzania and the sanitary pads contribute to a considerable amount of waste.
Coming from Sweden where the menstrual cup is on the rise, we saw an opportunity to introduce it to Mr. Steven’s students. After telling him about all the benefits of the cup he was head over heels about the idea and has been the most valuable advocate ever since. Without him, fighting the stigma and whole-heartedly supporting these girls with information and encouragement, it would not have been possible. The cup means comfort, freedom and hygienic safety, and can last up to 10 years. Imagine! 10 years with zero waste and not a shilling to spend on menstruation for these girls! And what’s more, 30 girls using the cup means 300 years of no waste related to menstruation. The cup helps girls handle their period at home where they can clean their hands and wash the cup as it can be used up to 12h before emptying it. This means they don’t need to deal with their period while they are at school, so they can focus on the things that will create a better future for them.
Last summer, many of our friends and family members contributed to our #MenstrualCupRevolution, where we were able to provide 30 female students at Kyosei Training Centre with a monthly cup. Now, they tell stories about how their menstruation cup changed their lives, and they are now more comfortable, free and hygienically safe. The cup also enabled them to go to school and not miss several days of school every month.
The girls who are already using them have become amazing ambassadors for the cup, and want to be able to pass it forward to their sisters, mother and friends. Our first goal was to raise money for 100 cups, but WOW guys, your generous contributions just keep coming, more than we could ever imagine! You have made us raise our ambitions: we want to take this further. We want to find a way to establish the project in a long term perspective, and we want some of our young girls who have been with us from the beginning to help us! We're not quite sure about the details yet but our hope is that we can use some of the money to hire the best ambassadors (who are the first to use the cups) to spread the word, educate more girls and ultimately be able to use their paycheck to pay their tuition fee for higher education. We promise to use all the money into girls' menstrual management AND chances to achieve their goals in education, so please keep crushing our set goal, keep the donations coming! We are thankful beyond words.
We will buy the cups from a local female entrepreneur, Ms. Flora Njelekela. One cup cost 83 SEK, so for just the price of one lunch out or a glass of wine you can help a girl the coming 10 years of her life.
Thank you so much for your support, and this goes to show that individuals CAN make a difference and we don't have to wait for other people to make this world a better place.
We prefer donations via Swish as GoFundMe takes out a 5% fee for every donation. But it's up to you!
Name your contribution “menskopp”:
Read more about Kyosei Training Center: https://kyoseitrainingcentre.wordpress.com/
Learn more about the situation in Tanzania and studies being made by Lunds Universitet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=eXVrqoOLqyo&fbclid=IwAR3qa6K1S9K5NJHJMZm9z-seyYU6551emm5Jey83nFiB_LsosUp1WKL2CEM
The menstrual cup can change lives. It can be the reason a young woman finishes school with high attendance and good grades, gets out of poverty and can live a more equal life because she is earning her own money. The menstrual cup creates physical and financial freedom and is a much safer option both for the girls’ health and for the environment. So join the #menstrualcuprevolution and donate now! ...and why not start using it yourself? Once you understand how it will change YOUR life, you can’t NOT believe in it!
A menstrual cup is so much more than just a sanitary product, it can change a young woman’s life, it can be the difference between poverty and higher education!
In the summer of 2018, we (Madelaine and Jennifer) went to Tanzania to support a school with young adults striving for a second chance in life. We held sex education classes and discussed the topic of menstruation. Mr. Steven Saningo, the founder of the school shared with us the difficulties his female students faced during their period. Most of them missed school due to lack of sanitary and hygienic opportunities as well as the stigma surrounding their menstruation. Most can’t afford sanitary pads and due to the stigma, many would not ask the family to pay for this as it is a private matter. The girls instead use whatever they can use, such as old rags and socks, banana leaves, etc. If they do use sanitary pads they can’t afford to change them as often as you would need. The rags cannot be dried outside due to the shame of being exposed, so it has to dry in their house. All this contributes to a high risk of infection. Most schools don’t have any running water, and probably no water at all, and there is often no waste bins in the toilets. The drainage is not very functional and the pads cannot be thrown there, so many carry them in their backpacks all day – praying it won’t smell or else they will get teased. From a sustainability point of view, waste management is very poor in Tanzania and the sanitary pads contribute to a considerable amount of waste.
Coming from Sweden where the menstrual cup is on the rise, we saw an opportunity to introduce it to Mr. Steven’s students. After telling him about all the benefits of the cup he was head over heels about the idea and has been the most valuable advocate ever since. Without him, fighting the stigma and whole-heartedly supporting these girls with information and encouragement, it would not have been possible. The cup means comfort, freedom and hygienic safety, and can last up to 10 years. Imagine! 10 years with zero waste and not a shilling to spend on menstruation for these girls! And what’s more, 30 girls using the cup means 300 years of no waste related to menstruation. The cup helps girls handle their period at home where they can clean their hands and wash the cup as it can be used up to 12h before emptying it. This means they don’t need to deal with their period while they are at school, so they can focus on the things that will create a better future for them.
Last summer, many of our friends and family members contributed to our #MenstrualCupRevolution, where we were able to provide 30 female students at Kyosei Training Centre with a monthly cup. Now, they tell stories about how their menstruation cup changed their lives, and they are now more comfortable, free and hygienically safe. The cup also enabled them to go to school and not miss several days of school every month.
The girls who are already using them have become amazing ambassadors for the cup, and want to be able to pass it forward to their sisters, mother and friends. Our first goal was to raise money for 100 cups, but WOW guys, your generous contributions just keep coming, more than we could ever imagine! You have made us raise our ambitions: we want to take this further. We want to find a way to establish the project in a long term perspective, and we want some of our young girls who have been with us from the beginning to help us! We're not quite sure about the details yet but our hope is that we can use some of the money to hire the best ambassadors (who are the first to use the cups) to spread the word, educate more girls and ultimately be able to use their paycheck to pay their tuition fee for higher education. We promise to use all the money into girls' menstrual management AND chances to achieve their goals in education, so please keep crushing our set goal, keep the donations coming! We are thankful beyond words.
We will buy the cups from a local female entrepreneur, Ms. Flora Njelekela. One cup cost 83 SEK, so for just the price of one lunch out or a glass of wine you can help a girl the coming 10 years of her life.
Thank you so much for your support, and this goes to show that individuals CAN make a difference and we don't have to wait for other people to make this world a better place.
We prefer donations via Swish as GoFundMe takes out a 5% fee for every donation. But it's up to you!
Name your contribution “menskopp”:
Read more about Kyosei Training Center: https://kyoseitrainingcentre.wordpress.com/
Learn more about the situation in Tanzania and studies being made by Lunds Universitet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=eXVrqoOLqyo&fbclid=IwAR3qa6K1S9K5NJHJMZm9z-seyYU6551emm5Jey83nFiB_LsosUp1WKL2CEM
Fundraising team (2)
Madelaine Ljungholm
rsta, AB, Sweden, AB
Jennifer Stoor
Team member