Mental Health Collaborative Marathon Fund
Tax deductible
In the United States, almost half of adults will experience a mental illness during their lifetime, and approximately 1 in 5 adults (18 or older) in the U.S. experience a mental illness in any one year, equivalent to 46.6 million people. Mental Illness is the leading cause of disability in U.S. citizens ranging in ages from 15 to 44, according to National Institute of Mental Health statistics, and in the United States, only 41 percent of the people who had a mental disorder in the past year received professional health care or other services.
The solution is mental health literacy, which is the knowledge and understanding that helps us live responsible, effective, successful and healthy lives. Good mental health literacy helps us understand and destigmatize mental disorders and treatments while promoting and optimizing good mental health.
Mental Health Collaborative believes that with education and awareness, we can work together to decrease stigma and open the door to conversations about mental illness. Together we can build informed and resilient communities, and improve mental health literacy in as many of these communities as we can.
I will be running the Boston Marathon in September of 2020 to raise money for this incredible organization. Help me reach and exceed my goal of $5,000. Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated. Together we can make a difference and improve mental health literacy in our communities.
The solution is mental health literacy, which is the knowledge and understanding that helps us live responsible, effective, successful and healthy lives. Good mental health literacy helps us understand and destigmatize mental disorders and treatments while promoting and optimizing good mental health.
Mental Health Collaborative believes that with education and awareness, we can work together to decrease stigma and open the door to conversations about mental illness. Together we can build informed and resilient communities, and improve mental health literacy in as many of these communities as we can.
I will be running the Boston Marathon in September of 2020 to raise money for this incredible organization. Help me reach and exceed my goal of $5,000. Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated. Together we can make a difference and improve mental health literacy in our communities.
Will Huebner
Hopkinton, MA
Mental Health Collaborative