Move-A-Thon to Inspire Minds!
Tax deductible
At Asa Messer Elementary School, students are taught to think about their goals every day. And for our upcoming Move-A-Thon event, the entire school is working towards one joyous, enriching goal: to raise $5000 in 15 days for our Field Trips and Special Programs Fund, which brings fun and experiential learning opportunities to every grade level at our school.
On Thursday, April 14th, we will be Move-A-Thon-ing by dancing in the hallways! Principal Henderson will pipe music through the school, and Asa Messer will become one big, hopping dance hall!
DANCING BRINGS JOY – helping kids to reconnect and re-engage after these difficult few years – and so will the special activities made possible by this fundraiser. 100 PERCENT of the funds we raise support field trips and the kinds of hands-on learning that help kids thrive in their education.
This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and will help Asa Messer to sustain and strengthen enrichment opportunities for our students. Past field trips and programs include boating in Narragansett Bay to watch seals in their natural habitat, visits to a working dairy farm, touring University of RI's campus, theater performances, and in-school storytellers and puppet shows.
These kinds of activities fuel and expand children's young minds as they learn experientially, grow their curiosity, and bolster learning beyond the classroom.
You can help us raise funds by donating today – any amount is helpful and appreciated! Please consider sharing our campaign with your social networks, as well. Asa Messer Elementary School PTA is a 501(c)3, so all donations are tax-deductible!
Thank you for supporting Asa Messer Elementary School, a wonderfully diverse neighborhood public school with a very big heart, fantastic students, and highly dedicated teachers and staff!
Fundraising team (2)
Asa Messer Elementary School PTA
Providence, RI
Asa Messer Elementary School PTA
Jessica Jennings
Team member