MHS Football Bus Fire
Tax deductible
After their varsity football game, the Mogollon High School travel bus caught on fire while on their way home. Luckily, everyone was able to make it out safely, but most of the players belongings, including backpacks, travel bags, cleats, gloves, and a lot of the football equipment was destroyed in the fire. We are raising money through the Mogollon High School Athletic Booster Club to help raise money for the football team. We are hoping to be able to raise enough money to replace the items that were lost so that they can finish the rest of their season. We appreciate any support shown to the team at this time. They hope to come back strong next week for their homecoming game!
*If you'd prefer to make private donations, Venmo @MHSABC-
Leti Porter
Heber, AZ
Mogollon High School Athletic Booster Club