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Michael Davenport - Help him get back on his feet

Spende geschützt

**See update for more information on what the goal is and the organization of the fund. This gofundme campaign is to help Michael Davenport recover and get back on his feet. He was robbed recently of his supplies, donations, and finished art. He relies on these things to help him survive. This robbery took more than possessions from him, it really hurt his spirit. He is such a positive, kind, and determined individual and it is awful that there are people in the world who take advantage of him.

He is still healing from the assault he endured in the past. His leg still requires medical attention to this day. 

We are hoping to raise some money for him to get art supplies, medical attention, and housing.

This man is a treasure for the Athens community and for all bulldog fans. Lets show him some love and let him know there is still more good in this world than bad!

Thank you



  • Caysea Baggs
    • $10
    • 4 yrs


Michael Davenport
Athens, GA

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