Michael "Mike" Genao
On August 3rd at 9:00 am. My son Michael went to his doctors just to get a refill on his inhaler. After getting his blood pressure and his heartbeat checked, the Doctor told Michael his heart was beating abnormal and at a rapid pace & BP was high. He was transported by ambulance to RI Hospital. 19 hrs later....My sons heart stopped due to a "Thyroid Storm" his liver shut down, kidneys all his major organs just shut down. Today 7 days later after several days of diaylis his kidneys are working almost at 100% 4 cat scans 1 MRI show no trama to his brain which is great!. His liver is slowly recovering, the Thyroid is back to a normal level. All we are waiting for is for Michael to wake up. He has health insurance but it's not going to cover all his medical expenses. I don't want him to worry about medical expenses when he recovers, as his mother I will do whatever humanely possible to help him. Thank you all for your prayers keep them coming!. At 5:45 AM August 11, 2017 Michael passed away.