Michael Woodburn Autopsy and Cremation Funding
As you may or may not know, Mike was diagnosed with Gastro-Esophageal Junction (GEJ) cancer at the beginning of March 2020. Since then, things have moved at an alarmingly quick pace, but doctors were still optimistic that he could have a fulfilling life and they were looking into potential chemo/radiation treatments and possible surgical procedures to help with that.
An unforseen circumstance occurred when he developed blood clots in his lungs after surgery for his stent placement/gall bladder removal, and complications during his J-Tube surgery (which he was getting to help with his nutrition during chemo), landed him in the ICU on April 9th.
He is still fighting to get off the ICU floor and will require respiratory therapy and physical therapy from being on a ventilator and in a bed for the better part of a month, in addition to the strains of chemo and radiation therapy. Things are still up in the air, and we are hoping to get him home as soon as he's stable enough to be here, but he may require a stay in a nursing home in between.
We are looking to raise this money for his initial after care, hospital bills, assistance in paying for the nursing home, and any potential medically necessary equipment (in home hospital bed, wheel chair, leg massager to help with preventing blood clots, etc).
We have reached out to Scripps Cancer Center for a 2nd opinion in regards to potential surgical options to elongate his life. Once he has made it home and through his first round of treatment, we are looking at the possibility of traveling to San Diego to meet with the specialists there and may reach out again to help with funding that.
We understand the state of the world right now and how so many people are out of work and are hurting financially themselves. Whatever you are able to donate will help us immensely as Mike was the primary money maker and without him working, the only real source of income is the disability checks he qualifies for.
His strength of will and whatever guardian angel that is watching over him, has kept him going so far. Positive thoughts, prayers and healing vibes are also appreciated.