Michael's Medical Expenses (Kidney Transplant)
Donation protected
Hello, my name is Danielle and I am sponsoring this GoFundMe account on behalf of my dear friend LaWonda Petty, who is the caretaker of EVERYONE around her. This time, I want to return the favor by assisting her with this account to raise money to help with the medical expenses for her husband Michael who recently received a kidney transplant.
Here is their story in her words:
We are The Petty's, and we want to first say Thank You for taking the time to read our story. My name is LaWonda and my Husband is Michael. We've been married now for 21yrs and together for 24yrs. I have 2 previous adult children, an older son and Daughter and we have a 15 yr. old son. We also have 4 beautiful grandbabies: a girl who's 7, a boy 6, boy 5, and a girl 6 months old. About 10 to 11 yrs ago my Husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and that shook our world. He was hospitalized for a week and sent home on insulin as well as BP meds. Michael worked hard to get himself healthier for himself as well as his family. And he did, he no longer had to give himself insulin shots, A1C levels were normal and we went back to life but still having that in the back of our minds and working on eating better and exercising. He lost weight and everything was great, or so we thought.
About 5yrs ago during spring break, our family decided to take a much needed break from work to spend some quality time together and hang out. I think it was on a Tuesday when our world shifted. After being out all day we decided to head home. As my husband was driving, he said something to me and I couldn't make out what he said, and he plays a lot so I assumed he was playing so I asked him to repeat himself. And when he did I knew he wasn't playing. He couldn't get his words out, so I immediately told him to pull over. I told him to get out of the car and I checked him over. Because of my medical background, I had a feeling about what was happening but I didn't want to alarm him or our son. I had him get in the passenger seat and drove the remaining 8 mins back towards our home. I immediately called 911 and I'm telling the dispatch what's going on and his symptoms. I told her I would get home before the ambulance and they could meet me there. I didn't want to take the chance of pulling over and our son freaking out or something worse happening in front of him. I had to stay as calm as I could for them both. I made it home and my Mom and Step Dad met me outside. Once the paramedics arrived, they placed him on the stretcher and I sat in the front seat of the ambulance. I didn't think I had time to process what was going on or even breathe until I heard the EMT say " Your Husband told me to tell you that he's ok" and then I broke down. I knew he wasn't out of the woods but to hear his voice settle me a little.
The Doctor's rushed him back and took all kinds of tests and blood. I came to find out my Husband had a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack), it's a temporary period of symptoms similar to a stroke, and his Ejection Fraction which is a percentage of how much blood the left ventricle pumps out with each contraction was at 10%. The thought of losing my husband was unbearable. And on top of all that he was hit with Kidney failure and he eventually was placed on Dialysis. That was a toll on him and his job.
He had dialysis 3 days a week for 4 hours for 4.5 yrs. To recover some of his pay, because he had to leave work early he would go in on his off days. By this time I'm a stay at home mom but I would do instacart to help with the bills as well.
Fast forward to October 6th. We received the call we had been waiting for! The hospital called stating they had a match. WE WERE IN SHOCK!!! We had 2 hours to get to the hospital so we just grabbed minimal things and headed to the hospital. His surgery was scheduled for Saturday the 7th and the wait was so stressful. I couldn't eat, think, sleep, or even talk. So many things were going through my head but I didn't want to share it with my Husband. I didn't want him to worry. I held back my tears and lord knows that was a struggle because I'm a cry baby. At one point we didn't think this was real. But once the nurse came and got him and took him to pre-op we knew then that this was really happening. Once we met with the Doctor things went quick. My husband was prepped and ready to head into the Operating Room and that's when I went behind the curtain and let my tears flow. I didn't know what to do or where to go. So I went back into his room and I sat and cried and I prayed.
After about 3 hours he came out of surgery and the Doctor said everything went well and his kidney immediately started working. Thank you Jesus.
He was released on Tuesday the 10th with a list of meds that he will have to take for the rest of his life, in order for his body to not reject the kidney. He will also be out of work for 2 to 3 months, he has to see a Doctor 2x's a week for a month or so but we still have a long road. And that's to keep him healthy and strong for a long time. It is very hard for me to write this and to ask complete strangers if they can donate and help us. But I don't know what else to do. So we greatly appreciate all donations to help us.
Thank you again in advance.
There is no amount too small that you can give to help with this cause. The family appreciates each of you.
[UPDATE as of 11/20]:
I just want to first say Thank you to each and everyone who donated to my Husband's GoFund Me. This means the world to us. Because of you all we have been able to pay our bills that came in and when I tell you God is an on time God, he truly is. We have been able to get his meds and he's on about 8 different meds but as time goes by they will decrease but majority of them he will have to take for the rest of his life and also have been able to purchase groceries because his diet has to change slightly but that's ok. We are still adjusting to him having a kidney and not having to go to dialysis 3x's a week and watching his fluids. I'm still watching over him while he sleeps and praying over him as well. He will still be out of work until after the new year. So just know that any donation will help big or small. Again we Thank each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts.
With Love,
The Petty's

Organizer and beneficiary
Danielle Wilks
Rolesville, NC
Lawonda Petty