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Adopting a Child with Down Syndrome

Doação protegida

I began my journey to motherhood in early 2013. The road has been a rough one though, with many ups and downs. No matter what road I tried to take, it always brought me back to adoption. I first considered adopting a child with Down Syndrome in 2014 when I was filling out the paperwork for private adoption. In the summer of 2015 I met with an international adoption agency and discussed adopting a child with Down Syndrome. Although I felt that this was my path, the financial burdens and red tape made me apprehensive. After the universe told me multiple times that this was my path to motherhood I am finally listening with an open heart! I am currently hoping to adopt a little girl that is three years old and living in an orphanage in India. The universe had us cross paths and now I am working towards her becoming my daughter! She needs and deserves a family so much. Every donation is greatly appreciated and brings me one step closer to bringing my daughter home!

Here is the breakdown of estimated costs:

Total Estimated Cost - $39,845.00 + tax

Starting Fees - $8,225.00 + tax
Homestudy Agency Consultation - $75.00 - PAID!
​Homestudy Agency Registration - $800.00 - PAID!
​Adoption Training - $350.00 - PAID!
Immigration Application - $100.00 - PAID!
Coordinating Agency Registration - $1,500.00 -  PAID!
Notarizing, Medicals, Police Clearances, etc. - $1,400.00 - PAID!
Homestudy - $3,000.00 - PAID!
Homestudy Travel - $1,000 - PAID!

Submitting Dossier to Country - $8,050.00 + tax
Homestudy Review - $550.00 - PAID!
Registration to CARA - $1,500.00
Orphanage Follow-Up - $750.00
Dossier Preparation - $5,000.00
Courier, Photocopies, etc. - $250.00 - PAID!

Referral Received - $16,070.00 + tax
Dossier Submission - $2,500.00
Misc. Admin Fees - $2,500.00
Post-Placement Reports (Coordinating Agency) - $1,500.00
Post- Placement Reports (Homestudy Agency) - $2,520.00
Courier, Photocopies, etc. - $250.00
Orphanage Fee - $5,000 USD = Approx. $6,800.00

Travel - $7,500.00
Visa - $200.00
Hotel - $1,000.00
Food and Transportation - $1,200.00
Flights - $5,000.00
Gifts for Caregivers - $100.00

Thank you for all your love and support as I continue on this journey and enters a new chapter in my life.



Michele Kezar
Medicine Hat, AB

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