Michelle Cappel-Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Sadly here we are again. Please be directed to the latest post for the most recent information regarding Michelle's recurrence. When Michelle was blessed with some normalcy after her last treatment/surgery, she never stopped fighting, but this time for others! She maintains a very active role in organizations such as, Colon Cancer Alliance, Never Too Young Board Chair, On Call Allies, Houston Allies, to help others navigate the scary journey ahead after hearing that they have colon cancer.
A nagging abdominal pain landed Michelle Cappel in the emergency room 4 years ago. A long road of doctors visits, scans, and blood work have resulted in a Stage IV Colon Cancer diagnosis. Michelle is at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas and we are expecting her to receive world class care, but the road to recovery will be long.
Michelle is a single, 45 year old elementary school teacher. With numerous appointments and an unknown treatment plan, a great deal of work will be missed. She has no short term disability. Her deductible is $7,000 which is 20% of her salary and she will clearly reach her deductible. She has so many worries right now. How she will pay her bills should not be one of them.
For those of you who know Michelle, you know she has a kind heart and a giving soul. She has gotten through the past year through prayer and her belief in the Lord. While she certainly will try to do this alone, she cannot and she will need help financially. Michelle has received overwhelming emotional support from family and friends, and we are confident this fundraising effort will provide her with the strength she needs to fight this battle.