Miguel DeLaTorre Funeral Expenses
Donation protected
En mayo 27 del 2017 a las 8:20 de la noche, se fue al cielo una gran persona, buen padre, e incomparable esposo. Despues de aver sufirido por dos años con gran paciencia los intensos dolores que causa el cancer del pancreas. Le extrañaremos, pero tenemos el consuelo de que su sufrimiento termino en esta tierra y abrio para el las puertas del cielo. Es por este motivo que nos vemos en la nesecidad de pedir a ustedes su generosa cooperation para brindarle un honroso sepelio. Gracias y que Dios les bendiga.
On May 27, 2017 at 8:20 p.m., a great person, good father, and incomparable husband went to heaven. After suffering for two years with great patience the intense pain caused by cancer of the pancreas. We will miss you, but we have the comfort that his suffering has ended in this earth and opened the gates of heaven. It is for this reason that we are in the need of asking you for your generous cooperation to offer him an honorable burial. Thank you and God bless.
On May 27, 2017 at 8:20 p.m., a great person, good father, and incomparable husband went to heaven. After suffering for two years with great patience the intense pain caused by cancer of the pancreas. We will miss you, but we have the comfort that his suffering has ended in this earth and opened the gates of heaven. It is for this reason that we are in the need of asking you for your generous cooperation to offer him an honorable burial. Thank you and God bless.
Chiva Delatorre
Hammond, IN