Millie delgado "The Miracle Child"
Please fund the Warrior Queen...Who has helped everyone in need. She is a mother of six and a grandmother to nine. She gave her all and did her very best when it came to raising and supporting such a big family. Even though times got rough, millie stood strong in every occasion and never gave up on family. Family only came second to GOD himself. Not only did she do everything she could to help her children but she also took time to show her appreciation for others. Occasionally taking time out of her busy life go to countries such as mexico, millie participated in pot lucks, fund raises and church ceremonies in order to help those who were living in harsh conditions. At such a young age of 47 no one was expecting this day to come so fast. Admitted into the hospital because of what seemed to be a regular visit turned out to be a 3 month process of mourning. We come together today as a family today asking for help with the expenses necessary for a beautiful burial. We thank all in advance and it is very much appreciated.