Minister Patricia Ann Lewis House Fire
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Today our hearts are heavy as our very own Minister Patricia Ann Lewis’ lost her home and all of her earthly possessions by fire.
64 year old Minister Lewis, is the primary caretaker of her 84 year old mother and 7 year old grandson. On November 20th Minister Lewis was first attacked by gunfire and shot in the leg while asleep in her home.
Hope Through Restoration’s founder Lt Austin, has provided temporary placement for Minister Lewis and her family during her time of healing. Today while many of us are celebrating all that we have to be thankful for the suspected gunman has set fire to Minister Lewis’ home.
Spiritual Tabernacle City of Change Church is coming together to raise money and asking for donations that we may bless Minister Patricia Ann Lewis in her time of need. Let us keep her and her family in our prayers.
Galatians 6:2
Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
Elder Antonio Gardner Pastor
Spiritual Tabernacle City of Change Church
Milwaukee, WI
Spiritual Tabernacle Church INC.