The Miracle League's 2024 Easter Event
Tax deductible
As a student council senior at Seneca Valley, it's not the first time I'm raising money for the Miracle League. Previously, Seneca Valley's Raiderthon accumulated over $10,000 for the Miracle League and its community, benefitting the Miracle League's intention to further include those with disabilities through baseball. Having felt the gratitude of this group, I decided that for my senior project, I would again raise money for this organization, but on my own. With my sister suffering from low-functioning autism and having been a part of some events in the past, it was the right choice and another motivator for me to make those happy through our collective love of sports. This page will be used to fund the essentials of the event that I am hosting; an Easter egg hunt with a variety of games, food, and fun. While such differs from baseball, all monetary donations exceeding the purchases for this event will be donated to the Miracle League and its general fund, supporting their future games. Whether you can attend or donate, anything and everything helps. Thank you in advance to all of those who take charge in contributing to my project and the Miracle League's cause.
With regards to the event, it is planned for March 23rd at Graham Park's Miracle League Field from 11-1. Those wanting to attend can fill out this form for attendance: Attendance Form
For more information, check out: The Miracle League

John Hricko
Cranberry, PA
Miracle League of Southwestern PA