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Unfortunately, in January 2022, Margaret found out she will face the biggest battle of her life.
At the age of 62 years young, Margaret was told she has a Grade 4 Glioblastoma, which is the most aggressive form of brain tumour a person can get, and in all cases, it is terminal.
Devastatingly, there is no cure for it. However, Margaret went through brain surgery and thankfully, the neurosurgeon removed 70% of the tumour. Unlike some other cancers where the whole tumour can be removed, this particular tumour can’t be fully removed as it is attached to healthy brain tissue. Optimiscally, there are treatments to slow down the growth of the tumour or better still put the tumour at bay.
Margaret was told by the medical oncologist she was too weak for chemotherapy. The only option was for radiotherapy. Sadly, Margaret could only complete 22 out of 30 radiotherapy sessions as she deteriorated. Painfully, we were told the tumour grew. Therefore, this meant the radiation wasn't doing its job. At this stage, her speech is badly affected along with her mobility declining due to the position of the tumour within the brain.
The hospital said that there were no more options left and to go home and accept that the end will come and not to look at alternative option as the side effects could be detrimental.
But we as a family could not sit back and accept this. Margaret is a fighter. If Margaret had her full cognition, she would be trying her utmost best to do more, and that’s exactly what we are going to do for her!
We did our research and came across a therapy called immunotherapy which has no side effects to it. God willing, we hope this will attack the tumour and it has a high chance of working. The doctor from this team guaranteed that this will boost Margaret's immune system and give her an overall better quality of life. A small chance is a great chance in our eye. She deserves this chance. We are willing do what we can for her.
The frustrating part is, this chance comes with a high price tag and that’s why we are asking for your help. Any donation big or small would be greatly appreciated. From Margaret and her Family, we thank you in advance from the bottom of our hearts.
The White house.
I Patrick White (Margaret White's husband), am in charge of all expenses and will be withdrawing the funds to my personal bank account, for the funds to be forwarded on to the immunotherapy company.
Patrick White
County Dublin