Mission Trip to India Orphanages
Donation protected

On August 24th 2016, I felt the Lord’s hand on my life to raise money for Pastor Vinod and the orphans in the area where he lived. In the 3 ½ years since, we have raised almost $215,000 for the children. Now, through the help of generous supporters, the Orphanage and church are doing greater things than ever before.
Passing out Bibles to the villages around the city of Udgir, it is a far more effective ministry today than before. Udgir is located in the middle of the southern finger of India, Northwest of Hyderabad and East of Mumbai. The villages surrounding the area are very poor and the locals do not have much hope.
Pastor Vinod and his family have been purchasing Bibles for the surrounding area Christians and their families as well as not only supplying them food, but purchasing farmland so they can grow their own crops for themselves. Truly the church is growing through the labor and love of the saints.

Around a year ago, I felt the same leading of the Lord to help Pastor John Babu in the eastern part of India, doing almost the same ministry as Pastor Vinod. Wow. The Lord was trying to communicate to me something important and vital in my life. So here I am being obedient. Pastor John has a much different ministry than Pastor Vinod, in location, emphasis and partnership. Right now, the children at Living Light Orphanage have to walk 3 ½ miles to school one way. That’s 7 miles on a daily walk. Pastor John desires to not only buy a bus to take his children to school, but he also has a burning desire to build his own school on it’s own land, along with the Orphanage. Owning the land is key.
To have your own Christian School in your neighborhood means that not only could you teach your children Godly curriculum, but he could also teach the surrounding area around him. Both Pastor Vinod and Pastor John know that children are the future, and we are blessed when we pour into their lives.
Both Pastors also realize the truth of James 1:27: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” and feed not only the orphans around them, but the elderly widows and widowers. Often in India, when the family unit is broken, the aged population are left to fend for themselves. They are very neglected.
Both Pastors love Jesus, preach the Word of God from the Bible, and live very sincere lives.
It is my goal to visit both Pastors in India this coming January to determine how we can better help them meet their needs. Right now, all we have been doing is raising money for them... Primarily, I have been the recipient, collector, and distributor of two Go Fund Me fundraisers. Is that all there is to my ministry?
How could I better impact the lives of these untold hundreds of children better? If I visited them would I understand better the need to more articulate it to you? I believe that the answer is an astounding: “YES!” So, to you do I now appeal.
I will be bringing some toys along with some teaching tools for both men and the estimated total costs will be between $5,900 to $6,500. That includes my air-fair as well. I pray that you consider helping me get there. God bless you.

As a child, my father was a petroleum geologist, working in Indonesia. There were times were we would visit surrounding countries. My last trip to India was 40 years ago. Here's a photo of me in front of a snake charmer. I can't believe my mother let me get that close.


Pauly Hart
Lafayette, IN