Missions Trip to Thailand
I just got done sobbing my eyes out. Why? Because from the time I was a very little girl, I've felt a deep, desperate call to missions. Recently I got back from 6 months of ministry on a Christian dude ranch in Colorado, and as I lay in bed a few mornings later, I was inspired to do something I hadn't done in a long time; browse Pinterest. One of the first pictures I saw was of a girl around my age, reaching toward a group of children. I created a board called "Serve ," and began pinning mission-related quotes and pins: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15
It was as if I was struck by lightening. Literally, the excitement was that intense. I've always wanted to go on an overseas missions
trip, but the idea of fundraising was just too daunting. Why couldn't I FINALLY do this? If God is in it, He will provide the way. Waiting will get me no where. I mean, really. I'm single, 25, an adventurer at heart, and burning for the souls of people. To me, there is nothing more singularly important than human beings. As an extrovert and someone with an overwhelming sense of compassion, people are my all and everything. Next to Jesus Christ, of course. :) After came a frantic search for missions trips in 2017, which lead me Real Impact Missions. I'd originally been searching for a trip to Africa, but then Thailand showed up. . .with the call to help rescue women in prostitution and sex trafficking.
"Thailand is a microcosm of this global epidemic. Many of its estimated 425,500 trafficking victims are forced laborers in the fish, garment, or shrimp industries. Many other Thais are exploited in the commercial sex industry. While technically illegal in Thailand, the sale of sex happens openly, and it’s estimated that up to 60,000 children take part in the Thai commercial sex trade every year. The average age of these children is between 12 and 20 years old, and the majority of them come from the less-developed regions of Northern Thailand."
(for more info see here )
Why did I choose Thailand? It's simple. Sex-trafficking has been heavy on my heart since working with beautiful ex-victims this summer on the ranch. I don't believe for one minute that my interaction with these ladies was a mistake. Ok, I'll admit that the mention of riding elephants peaked my interest. Just a little. ;) So I decided, rather compulsively, to contact RIM. Today I talked with a representative, and MY APPLICATION WAS ACCEPTED!!
That, friends, is why I sobbed. Jesus is so, so good to me. He has answered my prayer! I've decided to go out of my comfort zone and pursue my deepest passion. And that overwhelming feeling that I NEED to go, that He wants me to go. I have no doubt that Thailand is where I am called. Lord willing, July 2017, I will head to Asia to change the lives of women in crisis.
"Oh, I'm running to Your arms
I'm running to Your arms
The riches of Your love
Will always be enough
Nothing compares to Your embrace
Light of the world forever reign!"
At this time, I need to raise $850 by December 1st for the first installment of the trip. Would you help me reach my deadline?
Your interest in financially helping me is a bigger blessing than you know! In return I'd love to provide updates/blog posts on my trip. Thank you so much for reading my profile! Above all, I covet your prayers. God is alive, He is REAL, and He is moving! I can't wait to see Him work on this trip.