Mitch and Jana Ball
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our beloved Mitchell Sean Ball
Mitch was very well know and More than well loved. He died early Saturday morning due to complications of Covid 19. His big , kind heart stopped beating after 2 weeks on a ventilator.
He died despite the heroic efforts of many brave and dedicated nurses & doctors. Jana was with him when he died.
Mitch was many things to many people. First & foremost, Husband to Jana. Mitch and Jana were a true love story. Deeply in love for every minute of their 25 years together and beyond. From their Love came 6 children. Colton, Bailey, Halle, Brett, Macey & little Margot. They are his pride and joy, and the measure of his creation. They also are the foster parents of their two young nieces, Micah and Sophie, whom they also love dearly. He was a fantastic dad. They will need our collective help.
Mitch was an avid fisherman, and wasted his spare time in the best way possible. He was an accomplished umpire. He has taught hundreds of aspiring young umps how to call strikes. He travelled the world and made thousands of friends along the way. Mitch was the friendliest man alive. Universally admired for his kindness, and easy going charm & humour. He even managed to endear the hearts of his ICU team while in a coma.
I am do incredibly proud of my brother. He was everything we as humans should aspire to be. Full of love, kindness, patience and forgiveness. Gentle of soul and word.
He deserves to be honoured and remembered for the giant of a man that he was. We cannot honour him with a proper funeral. No church could hold his thousands of adoring fans. His wife & children could use your love and support. Please consider donating to Mitch’s lovely family.
Our sincere heart felt gratitude to those who tried so hard to save him. We honour your sacrifice.