Aid for Kristy Peralta & children
My sister's husband, Juan Carlos Peralta, has passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly. Kristy and their four children (Jasmine, Juan, Santiago, and Daniel--ages 12 years to 4 months) desperately need prayers and financial assistance. Aside from helping with funeral expenses, Kristy will need resources to get herself and the children back to the United States. (Kristy had been living in Mexico with Carlos and their children.) Once they arrive in the states, they will need continued support while Kristy figures out what her next steps are. We covet your prayers and any help you can give Kristy and her children.
We put all our hope in the Lord and we know that He is faithful (Hebrews 10:23.) We are trusting and believing God to give Kristy and her children strength (Psalms 29:11), to comfort them (Psalms 94:19), to give them His supernatural peace (Phil. 4:7), and to heal their broken hearts (Psalms 147:3.) We will lean on the Lord because His grace is sufficient for us and because His power is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Cor. 12:9)