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Save Ganza's life - ガンザくんを助けたい!!!

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 Article on Kyodo News 

Please save Ganza's life together. Our sincere wish is to give Ganza, just less than an a-year-old boy, the opportunity to make friends, study, and enjoy his life. Unless a liver transplant is done, he is going to lose his life.  The Operation is planned for June 6th, 2021, and we need to raise the 100% amount before the operation by 30th May 2021. Detail Follows.



お金が用意できないからと愛息子の命を諦めることができないガンザくんの家族は、今回、皆様に寄付をお願いすることに決めました。手術は6月6日を予定しており、手術前までに全額の約2,126万円の支払いが必要です。本サイトのクラウドファンディング は5月30日まで、国内の銀行口座への寄付は6月3日まで受け付けています。



- 支援依頼者:イディー・ハビヤンベレ(患者の父親)、パトリック・イラドゥクンダ(患者の親戚)
- 患者名:ガンザ・ハビヤンベレ・イーサン(GANZA HABIYAMBERE Ethan)※生後6ヶ月
- 病名:胆道閉鎖症
- 手術内容:肝移植
- 手術成功率:90%以上(担当医による情報)
- 手術予定地:ベルギー(Clinique Universitaire Saint Luc)
- 現在の容態:週に2回ほど通院(目視で腹部の肥大化、眼や皮膚の黄色への変色が確認される)
- 手術費用・治療費:157,500ユーロ (≒ 195,000ドル、≒ 2126万円)

My name is Patrick Iradukunda. I'm a 27 years old Rwandan in the United States working as a Software Engineer. I opened this gofundme site to support my close relative, Iddy Habiyambere. He is the brother of the spouse of the younger brother of my mother. Please please read his story below to the end. Please please support him to save the life of his 6-month-old baby boy, Ganza.

About me and my family
My name is Iddy Habiyambere. My wife is Mutamuliza Angelique. We are Rwandans living in Rwanda, a small country located in East Africa. Last November, our son, GANZA HABIYAMBERE Ethan was born. We welcomed Ganza to our family and had a fun and lively time with seven family members.

I, Iddy Habiyambere, am currently working as a volunteer coordinator for a Japanese organization. My current career began in 2007 when I was working as a tour guide observing Japan supporting activities during the first visit of Madam Sadako Ogata as JICA President (Former head of UNCHR) and her team.

From that time on, I became strongly motivated to contribute to the reconstruction and development of Rwanda. Fortunately, in March 2008, I got a job as a driver of a Japanese organization and have supported the staff of the organization contributing to the reconstruction and development of Rwanda. While working as a driver, I started attending university in 2010, and in August 2011, I started my desired career, a volunteer coordinator. I am very proud and pleased to support young and motivated Japanese volunteers who work hand-in-hand with the local people for their better life.

My spouse is Mutamuliza Angelique. We got married in 2005 and had our first child. Mutamuliza is a very family-minded and strong-willed woman. We raised four children with all of our love and they grew up to be thoughtful. She does a lot to help our children and our whole family's lives in peace and happiness. I am very grateful for everything she does for our family.

Last November, our family welcomed a new baby boy named GANZA HABIYAMBERE Ethan. With a new family member, we had a fun and lively time with seven others.

About Ganza and his illness
One day, my wife and I noticed that Ganza had jaundice-like symptoms. When we took Ganza to the hospital, he was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia, a so-called intractable disease.

The bile ducts through which the bile produced by his liver flowed are blocked, causing jaundice. Based on the advice of the doctor, early treatment is very important. At the age of 11 weeks, Ganza underwent surgery to remove the obstruction of the bile ducts and connect the liver to the intestinal tract to drain bile. Although his symptoms improved, jaundice reappeared. A doctor's diagnosis revealed that he would die of liver failure if he did not receive an early liver transplant.

About his surgery and treatment
Fortunately, it turned out that my wife is most likely to be the best match for a liver transplant for our son.  Liver transplants are not available in Rwanda, as a result, we only have options overseas. The cost in India is lower than in other countries, but the current situation of COVID-19 makes it impossible to go to India.

Therefore, the doctor introduced Clinique Universitaire Saint Luc Hospital in Belgium as the second-best option. Even the second-best option costs €157,000 (about $195,000). We need the amount as soon as possible. This is because the sooner the liver transplant is done, the more likely it is that the life of Ganza will be saved. Our family is now doing our very best to secure the medical expenses for our son. But unfortunately, we cannot afford such a huge amount by ourselves only. However, just because we can't afford the money, we can't give up on the life of our beloved son, Ganza, without doing anything. We believe many of you can understand our feelings.

We need your kind support. Please let's save Ganza's life together. Our sincere wish is to give Ganza, just less than an a-year-old boy, the opportunity to make friends, study and enjoy a long life.

Your donations will be used for surgery (including the treatment after surgery) in Belgium. If there is a balance, we would like to donate it to those who need assistance on the gofundme site. After using the donation, we will report how donations were used on this site.

We believe that miracles will happen with your support. Thank you so much for your help and for being with us. 

私はイディー・ハビヤンベレ(Iddy Habiyambere)と申します。私の妻はムタムリザ・アンジェリカ(Mutamuliza Angelique)です。


私の配偶者はムタムリザ・アンジェリカです。私たちは、2005年に結婚し第1子を授かりました。私の妻、ムタムリザはとてもどんな状況でも家庭を優先し、守ってくれる家族想いで芯のある女性です。彼女と私は愛情をこめて4人の子供たちを育てました。そして、私たちの子供はみんな彼女に似て思いやりのある子に育ちました。 彼女は、子供たち、そして家族全員が平和に幸せに暮らすため、様々なことをしてくれます。私は、彼女が家族にしてくれる全てのことにとても感謝しています。

そんな私たち家族に、昨年11月、第5子となる息子が誕生しました。名前は、ガンザ・ハビヤンベレ・イーサン(GANZA HABIYAMBERE Ethan)といいます。




幸い、妻の肝臓と息子の肝臓が適合する可能性が高いことがその後の検査でわかりました。一方、肝移植手術は現在ルワンダで実施することができません。医師によると、インドでは、比較的費用が低いということでしたが、現在のCOVID-19の状況をみると渡航は難しい状況です。そこで、2番目の選択肢として、ベルギーのClinique Universitaire Saint Luc病院を紹介してもらいました。しかしながら、費用は157,000ユーロ(約195,000USドル)、日本円にして2,000万円超となります。加えて、早期にその金額を用意する必要があります。肝移植が早ければ早いほど、息子の命が助かる可能性が高くなるからです。私たち家族は、今、少しでも息子の医療費を確保できるように、全力を尽くしています。でも、残念ながら、私たちだけでは、どうしてもこのような金額を用意することができません。しかしお金が用意できないからと言って、何もせずに愛する息子の命を諦めることはどうしてもできません。





【支援依頼者[パトリック・イラドゥクンダ(Patrick Iradukunda)]について】
私の名前はパトリック・イラドゥクンダ(Patrick Iradukunda)と申します。私は、アメリカで、ソフトウェアエンジニアとして働いてる27歳の男性です。私の親しい親戚(母親の弟の配偶者の兄)であるイディー・ハビヤンベレの家族を支援したいと思い、このgofundmeのサイトを開設しました。彼の家族のストーリーを最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました。そして、皆さまのご支援でガンザの命が救えること信じております。



  • Anonymous
    • $10
    • 7 mos
  • Mari Yoshida
    • $50
    • 3 yrs
  • Haruka Suzuki
    • $10
    • 3 yrs
  • SUMITO Kurihara
    • $10
    • 3 yrs
  • Iyo Fujita
    • $20
    • 3 yrs

Fundraising team (6)

Patrick Iradukunda
Las Vegas, NV
Koji Nakashima
Team member
Yuki Kawano
Team member
Iddy Habiyambere
Team member
Kenshi Asano
Team member

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