Emergency Covid-19 Relief - Ana e Malit
Tax deductible
-Në kuadër të shoqatës Shqiptaro-Amerikane Ana e Malit fondacioni "Trojet tona" ka filluar me mbledhjen e mjeteve financiare për të ndihmuar të prekurit nga virusi COVID-19 në vendlindje.
-Mjetet financiare që do grumbullohen do përdoren për blerjen e ilaçeve të sugjeruar nga mjekët për të sëmurët.
- As you are aware our community has been hit very hard by the covid pandemic, in the last few days we have lost loved ones and many others are fighting for their lives. Trojet Tona Foundation and Ana e Malit Association has started this fundraiser in order to assist our medical institutions to help save lives of our friends and neighbors. We need to raise money in order to purchase PPE and medication.
-Mjetet financiare që do grumbullohen do përdoren për blerjen e ilaçeve të sugjeruar nga mjekët për të sëmurët.
- As you are aware our community has been hit very hard by the covid pandemic, in the last few days we have lost loved ones and many others are fighting for their lives. Trojet Tona Foundation and Ana e Malit Association has started this fundraiser in order to assist our medical institutions to help save lives of our friends and neighbors. We need to raise money in order to purchase PPE and medication.
Valdet Cobaj
Yorktown, NY
Albanian-American Humanitarian Fund Trojet Tona