7CutzAboveNC Mobile barber shop for special needs
My name is JacQuil Leathers Owner/Lead stylist of 7CutzAboveNC,LLC.
7CutzAbove has been established since 2015. I have over 15 years in the hair industry. Self taught to cut hair for individuals with special needs.
My love for the special needs population comes from my younger sister Jessica of whom has special needs. Combining my passion for cutting hair and my love and understanding for the special needs population created 7CutzAboveNC,LLC.
My overall goal for 7CutzAboveNC is to buy a sprinter bus and convert the inside into a mobile barbershop catered to special needs individuals. Accomplishing this goal for the sprinter will allow 7CutzAboveNC to service a greater capacity of the special needs population.
While continuing to accomplish this goal for the Mobile barbershop I have also created a course to educate licensed barbers and licensed cosmetologist on how to service someone with special needs which will be released by December 2022 called “what comes before the cut”.
Please help 7CutzAboveNC REACH OUR GOAL!
God has given me a incredible gift for the special needs population and this is just the beginning for 7CutzAboveNC!