Save Mo and your dog!
Donation protected
Mo is a 9 year old shepherd/wolf mix. Unfortunatly, he has been diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma or cancer of the liver. In May of 2015 he had emergency surgery to remove his left liver lobe after a tumor ruptured and caused internal bleeding. If the cancer is not treated he has six months to live. Luckily, for us (and eventually your dog) Palladia can be used to treat the cancer. Anecodtal reports show, palladia reduces HCC and gives dogs 2-3 more years to enjoy life. However, there is no published research to support this claim. Therefore, the goal of this campaign is to raise money to fund a palladia study as an effective HCC treatment.
Palladia is $500 a month. This does not include periodic ultrasounds and blood work, totaling an average of $650 a month for Mo’s treatment. It is my hope, through this campaign, that we will be able to raise money, not only for Mo’s treatment, but also for the development of this drug to save your dog and everyone else’s. A quarter of all money raised will be put toward Palladia HCC research and development. Thank you!
More about Mo:
Almost four years ago I met Mo. His owner, a distant friend of mine, recently passed away after a heart attack. A few months later, Mo was found wandering the Trinity Mountains in northern California, fending for himself in the wilderness. I can’t help but think his inner strength and desire to experience life helped him survive. Being a wolf hybrid probably helped as well!
When I met Mo he was running free across my friend’s meadow. There were a lot of people present, yet Mo ran to me and we connected instantly, cuddling for hours in the tall grass. It seemed right. Mo then came with me to finish up senior year of college. This is where I began to notice his profound effect on the people around him. Friends and strangers continually wanted to know more about us, about him. To this day, not much has changed.
This innate curiosity is what draws people to Mo. It is what stops strangers on the street and why friends always ask about him. He has a strong and yet calming presence when he walks into a room. He knows when someone needs a cuddle, a petting session, or simply to be with him. You will be hard-pressed to find a dog so in tune with his surroundings and willing to give you everything. It is almost as if he belongs to everyone.
For more information and daily Mo updates follow his story on Instagram: @peopleofMo
Mo testimonials:
“I have known Mo since I met his owner a few years ago. I have never seen a closer bond between a (wolf)dog and a human. Mo and his owner are so attuned. When she had a horse accident a few years ago, he was over 10 miles away but instantly knew that something was wrong. He has demonstrated an amazing affinity for her as well as the many people that he has met during his life. Probably the things that stand out for me are how he meets young children, showing nothing but affection, and never any thing remotely looking like aggressive behavior. He is a true ambassador for his breed.” -Dave
"It's rare to find a person or animal that you immediately connect with, but the first time I met Mo Dog I knew that he was special. I've never seen a bond like the one that he shares with Emma and their mutual love and respect for each other is remarkable. He spreads love wherever he goes and I am convinced that he is not from this planet - he's just incredible. There isn't a dog more deserving than Mo to have an opportunity to live a longer life. I miss seeing his face and watching him do the "Mo Dog Is Excited To Go For A Walk Dance" all the time. I love you Mo Dog!" -Harris
"When I first met Mo, I instantly felt something special coming from him. Each day I spend time with him and his owner (Emma), I become more amazed by their connection and the amazing creature that he is!
It's hard to explain, but I truly believe that Mo can sense things humans and other dogs can't. Maybe it's the wolf thing, maybe it's not. Regardless, he is a dog that loves deeper every day and truly loves everyone. When I snuggle with him, I feel closer to my younger and playful self and would do anything to make sure he stays with us on our planet.
Please do what you can to make sure he stays on earth -- it's far worse off without him <3" -Rachel
"What is it that makes Momo so special? There has always been speculation. Is it the cuddles, the friendly demeanor, the perfectly golden mane of hair, the constant bubble of safety, the adventurous spirit, the passionate heart, or a combination of all of these and more? I suppose Momo means something different to everyone, and that we each fall in love with him for a million and one various reasons. For me, it was his unique ability to always give people the benefit of the doubt, a trait that most human beings and animals severely lack. Momo has so much love to give that until proven otherwise, he will treat you as if you are a kind, loving, and beautiful individual. In this day and age, that is priceless, incredibly special, and deserves to be preserved. #longlivemomo" -Ariel
Emma Brayfield
Santa Monica, CA