Mohammad Haroon Injuries
Mohammad Haroon or ‘Haroon’ as most of us call him is a war hero who has served alongside America’s finest for the majority of his young life. He’s been wounded in action several times and fearlessly put his life on the line for those with whom he served supporting ten plus rotations of Special Forces soldiers in Afghanistan. His dedication and relentless actions made him a target of our enemies and with our help has relocated to NC. He has continued his support to USSF working at Robin Sage and supporting other courses throughout ARSOF.
Recently Haroon was involved in a car accident sustaining multiple orthopedic, internal and neurological injuries. He’s currently in the ICU, undergoing surgeries to preserve his life and his physicality. To date there’s no projected discharge from the hospital and as you all know, life does not stop due to injuries. This GFM is established to assist with those unforeseen expenses that arise during these times. Please donate below to help this young hero thrive during these trying times.