MoJo #DoingTheWriteThing
Hi and thanks for reading this! My name is Molly Jo and I'm a writer. And more.
"I’m a Christian. Writer. Chef. Believer. I live to love life, and write about it. I believe in words. Recipes are food for the soul. Stories are meant to be told. And I like to tell them. I am a writer."
That's my brand. I'm the founder of New Inklings Press, a boutique publisher. I write a blog, create recipes, do product and book reviews, and write.
I write a lot. I'm currently working on a novel set in New Orleans. I also have two compilation books in the works- collections of parables, poetry, and prose. I write short stories, too. Oh, and there's a screenplay idea in there somewhere, too.
Yup. I'm a writer. A good one. But I want to be a better one.
Being a good writer is so much more than putting words in order. Especially as a lesser known, independent writer. My jobs include marketing, publicity, advertising and social networking. It also includes learning in many forms: reading other books, traveling, and networking at conferences and meeting others in the writing world.
All of these "jobs" are enjoyable essentials. But they can also be expensive. So I started this campaign to help with those expenses.
By contributing to MoJo #DoingTheWriteThing, you're helping me attend local conferences, attain a larger marketing audience, acquire more research and information resources, maintain those tiny costs like paper, ink and pen refills, necessary supplies like quality business cards, travel expenses, and the big one: sending me to writer conferences I otherwise would miss out on.
Right now (or should I say Write now!) I've got my sights set on several in the next year. But the Big One is the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. That's not too far away to start planning and making travel arrangements. There are several local conferences before then, too, that would benefit me as a writer, editor and publisher.
Why $5,678.00 as my goal? Because it's a fun number, easily attainable, and I like sequential numbers. It's also almost spot-on the exact amount needed to achieve my goals.
Anything above and beyond my goal will always be used to boost my writing, whether it be marketing supplies, office maintenance, travel expenses, conference fees, or anything else.
I promise to be transparent with everything I receive and how it's used. If you have faith in me and my writing, how could I not?
It's my primary goal to be the best writer I can be. I'll never stop learning, reading, networking, and writing. With your help, I'll be able to do it better, faster.
Thank you.
~Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."