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Mom is dying of pancreatic cancer

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I came to the U.S. as an exchange student, leaving all my family behind in my home country of Latvia.  Although I have recently become a U.S. resident, my means are very limited due to the current job climate.  I have been teaching ESL to international students, who come to study at the University of South Florida. However, this upcoming year, the projected enrollment has dropped sharply compared to last year, and I have been laid off. 
The same week, I found out that my mother has pancreatic cancer, and her condition is such that she can die at any moment (since it is a very serious cancer in its last stage). I have not seen my mother for almost four years and was/am absolutely devasted to learn this information.  Although deep down I am still hoping for recovery, I would really like to visit my mother to comfort her and probably say good-bye :'(
To make that happen, I am trying to collect enough money for airfare Tampa-Riga.  Please help if you can! God bless.
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Yuri Grankin
Tampa, FL

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