Mompiche Animal Refuge - Urgent disaster relief
Donation protected
Please watch the entire video and read about Fabiola Minda and the F.E.M.A. Animal Rescue, Mompiche, Ecuador
The final week of December 2018, record-breaking high tides and destructive waves persisted for over 5 consecutive days. The waves destroyed this non-profit animal rescue shelter located on a beautiful stretch of beach in Mompiche, Ecuador. It now desperately needs both immediate and long-term support. All 70 animals were evacuated in time but the only building spared from the unrelenting tides was a 2-room cabin which is now the cramped living quarters for Fabiola and her now over 80 rescued animals.
Fabiola Minda, who founded and runs the shelter, is an incredible Ecuadorian woman known as the "Mother Teresa of Mompiche." She fights every day to keep the shelter up and running and never turns away a dog, cat, horse, duck, cow, chicken or any other poor soul that shows up at her doorstep. People bring her animals from as far away as Quito.
In addition to the day to day cost of caring for the animals (food, medicine, vet bills, taxi fees for the 2 hour drive to the nearest veterinarian, etc.), Fabiola now faces the immediate crisis of housing the animals. She needs donations from generous people like you to rebuild the refuge on a plot of land further from the ocean and to help her with the mounting daily costs to care for the animals. The land has already been purchased but funds are needed for the following:
1) anti-rust fencing to enclose the property ($7000) -- PURCHASED WITH YOUR DONATIONS
2) housing for the animals pre-fab module ($2700)
3) cabin to house volunteers and visiting veterinarians pre-fab module ($2700)
4) cabin to house Fabiola pre-fab module ($2700) -- PURCHASED WITH YOUR DONATIONS
5) examination/clinic room for visiting vets pre-fab module ($2700)
6) quarantine area for sick animals pre-fab module ($2700)
7) food storage and preparation area pre-fab module ($2700)
8) electrical and plumbing installations + transformer ($6000) -- TRANSFORMER PURCHASED WITH YOUR DONATIONS
9) septic system ($400)
10) well for water ($300)
11) machine to clear and level the land ($2100) -- PURCHASED WITH YOUR DONATIONS
We hope to have her refuge rebuilt for her within the next 6 months. The following is a list of expenses that she has during a typical 6 month period that she also relies on donations for:
1) feeding the animals ($9000)
2) sterilizations, vaccines, veterinary bills, and medicine (6800)
3) utility payments and accountant fees (200)
Despite being a government approved and a recognized N.G.O., Fabiola receives no funding or support of any kind from the government. She relies 100% on private donations, volunteer assistance, horseback rides on the rehabilitated horses, and coconuts sold to the tourists. She takes no salary for herself.
Her N.G.O. is F.E.M.A. (Fundación para la Erradicación del Maltrato y Abandono de Perros y Gatos). Not only does she take in abused and abandoned animals and rehabilitates them for adoption, F.E.M.A. also provides much needed community education on proper animal welfare as well as organizing veterinary visits to Mompiche and surrounding towns 4 times/year. These day clinics offer low-cost check-ups, vaccines, and sterilizations to reduce the population and unnecessary suffering of animals.
I worked as a volunteer with Fabiola for the month of November 2018. This was an incredibly happy place. To know Fabiola is to love her and my heart is broken for her and all of the animals who have lost their home. Please, I ask you, if you are in any way able, please lend her a hand. No amount is ever too small.
Thank you, Mary Wielage
What's left of the old refuge
A collapsed building at the old site.
Fabiola and some of her animal children on the stairs of their current shared cabin.
The final week of December 2018, record-breaking high tides and destructive waves persisted for over 5 consecutive days. The waves destroyed this non-profit animal rescue shelter located on a beautiful stretch of beach in Mompiche, Ecuador. It now desperately needs both immediate and long-term support. All 70 animals were evacuated in time but the only building spared from the unrelenting tides was a 2-room cabin which is now the cramped living quarters for Fabiola and her now over 80 rescued animals.
Fabiola Minda, who founded and runs the shelter, is an incredible Ecuadorian woman known as the "Mother Teresa of Mompiche." She fights every day to keep the shelter up and running and never turns away a dog, cat, horse, duck, cow, chicken or any other poor soul that shows up at her doorstep. People bring her animals from as far away as Quito.
In addition to the day to day cost of caring for the animals (food, medicine, vet bills, taxi fees for the 2 hour drive to the nearest veterinarian, etc.), Fabiola now faces the immediate crisis of housing the animals. She needs donations from generous people like you to rebuild the refuge on a plot of land further from the ocean and to help her with the mounting daily costs to care for the animals. The land has already been purchased but funds are needed for the following:
1) anti-rust fencing to enclose the property ($7000) -- PURCHASED WITH YOUR DONATIONS
2) housing for the animals pre-fab module ($2700)
3) cabin to house volunteers and visiting veterinarians pre-fab module ($2700)
4) cabin to house Fabiola pre-fab module ($2700) -- PURCHASED WITH YOUR DONATIONS
5) examination/clinic room for visiting vets pre-fab module ($2700)
6) quarantine area for sick animals pre-fab module ($2700)
7) food storage and preparation area pre-fab module ($2700)
8) electrical and plumbing installations + transformer ($6000) -- TRANSFORMER PURCHASED WITH YOUR DONATIONS
9) septic system ($400)
10) well for water ($300)
11) machine to clear and level the land ($2100) -- PURCHASED WITH YOUR DONATIONS
We hope to have her refuge rebuilt for her within the next 6 months. The following is a list of expenses that she has during a typical 6 month period that she also relies on donations for:
1) feeding the animals ($9000)
2) sterilizations, vaccines, veterinary bills, and medicine (6800)
3) utility payments and accountant fees (200)
Despite being a government approved and a recognized N.G.O., Fabiola receives no funding or support of any kind from the government. She relies 100% on private donations, volunteer assistance, horseback rides on the rehabilitated horses, and coconuts sold to the tourists. She takes no salary for herself.
Her N.G.O. is F.E.M.A. (Fundación para la Erradicación del Maltrato y Abandono de Perros y Gatos). Not only does she take in abused and abandoned animals and rehabilitates them for adoption, F.E.M.A. also provides much needed community education on proper animal welfare as well as organizing veterinary visits to Mompiche and surrounding towns 4 times/year. These day clinics offer low-cost check-ups, vaccines, and sterilizations to reduce the population and unnecessary suffering of animals.
I worked as a volunteer with Fabiola for the month of November 2018. This was an incredibly happy place. To know Fabiola is to love her and my heart is broken for her and all of the animals who have lost their home. Please, I ask you, if you are in any way able, please lend her a hand. No amount is ever too small.
Thank you, Mary Wielage

Fabiola with Frejol and Mike (Tyson)
Where everyone is living now.

Organizer and beneficiary
Mary Wielage
Omaha, NE
Mendee Jaeger X