Hair, Hope and Happiness
Would you embark on this journey with me in making a difference?
All I ask of you is a small donation towards this fantastic cause…
because truly: EVERY LITTLE HELPS…
I have been growing my hair for over 1 year 8 months (thank you JMS bosses for the support showed) in order to surpass the recommended minimum length (7”) to donate to this lovely cause. (Good news is - I’ve passed the required mark, might just avoid the sheer of shame)
This fundraising came to mind of late, as, I had an ultra marathon run planned for last year, Sept’20 which got cancelled due to COVID, deferred to 4-5th September .
Realistically, I am nowhere near ready to take this feat on this year, but knowing that I can raise money for this amazing cause, then that’s motivation enough, as well as donating my hair by end of November, (no attachment issues but a little more growth )
The money I hope to raise is in aid of The Little Princess Trust and every donation will help LPT to provide Hair and Hope to young people with cancer:
£150 - Will aid to get a wig professionally fitted.
£550 - Will cover the costs of making the wig for that lucky child.
£1000 - Can buy new drugs for testing.
£10000 - Measures long term effects of drugs on children.
£30000 - Identifies drugs which minimizes side-effects on children.
The optimal RESULT, is the look of joy and cheer gratitude that the child would feel on opening their wig box would be ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS. Not to mention the glow of confidence they will be enriched with.
Thank you in advance for any contribution you find yourself giving, no matter the amount, it would mean the world to me and the child at the end of this process.
“More information about The Little Princess Trust: When a child loses their hair to cancer, we'll be there with a free, real hair wig to help restore their confidence and identity. You can help us give hair and hope to children and young people, by funding real hair wigs and ground-breaking childhood cancer research projects.”
Thanks again, oh ye, PLEASE wish me luck - I’m gonna need it xx