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Monica Rios

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Hello, thank you first and foremost for reading our fundraiser. My name is Cassandra Rios and I am writing on behalf of my aunt was abruptly taken from us due to a fatal car accident. Monica Rios, was born and raised in Denver and touched so many lives and so many people. She came from a humble home but always made it a point to help out others. Whether it was making burritos and handing them out, gathering jackets and blankets for the cold Colorado nights or going out of her way to serve you a plate whenever you were in her home.

Monica, Shantel, and 9 year old Joseph were involved in a fatal car crash, Friday September 15th. The trio were on their way to get snacks when another individual made a bad decision that ultimately ended in Chantel passing at the scene, Monica passing the next day in the hospital and Joseph fighting for his life.

We, the family are asking for help to send Monica home to her mother as this event was so abrupt and completely unforeseen. Any and every donation is appreciated.

On behalf of her father, Frank Rios Sr., her younger siblings, Connie and Frank Jr., her nieces, nephews, chosen family, we all thank you sincerely.


  • Isabel Webb
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Leslie Bisard
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • charlene reid
    • $25
    • 1 yr
  • Anonym
    • $25
    • 1 yr
  • Courtney Compoz
    • $50
    • 1 yr


Cassandra Rios
Zuni, CO

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