Monument for Coal Miners on Whitwell Mountain
Whitwell Mountain, Tennessee, a small community with great views, peaceful personality, nice folks and for some, a painful past.
In years past this community formed and survived on coal mining. Through out those years there were many men who gave the ultimate sacrifice trying to put food on the table for their families.
I myself, being a son of one of those men, would like to see those miners honored, and I am not alone. Many people who live in our area has a father, brother, son, cousin, friend or a relative from the past who should be honored for what they gave to build our community.
Tragedy struck our community on December 8, 1981 when 13 men were killed in Mine #21. That disaster has left lasting scars throughout families and the area as a whole. My dad was one of those 13 men and throughout my life I have seen some small memorials with their names engraved but none in the community where it happened. I always wished that our mountain had something to honor those men along with all miners that had lived and served here.
I've been working with Miners Memorial Park, a small park in progress that was an elementary school when I was small. The people who are over the park and the ones who assist have big hearts and big dreams to make this park into something the whole community can enjoy.
This park, which survives on hard work and donations, would like to be the permanent residence for a monument honoring the coal miners. We would be thankful for any donations to erect this monument. I myself, would personally be grateful to see this dream achieved.