Morgan Hewitt- #WeFightWithMorgan
Morgan is a 15 yr. old Franklin Twp., Hunterdon County resident and a Sophomore at North Hunterdon High School. Morgan enjoys singing, acting and playing Field Hockey. She is kind, compassionate, nurturing, and she hopes to one day work in the field of Oncology and Hematology. On September 20, 2020, she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Her form of AML is the adult form, which is rare in children her age. She went through 2 rounds of Chemotherapy at The Children’s Hospital at RWJ in New Brunswick and has resided there for the past 4 months. On December 18, 2020, she met with a team of doctors at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). She is officially a patient of CHOP and will be transported there in January where she will undergo further treatment in her battle to beat Leukemia. Morgan and her family MUST remain focused solely on this battle without the added burden of financial worries. We felt the time was right to start this fundraiser as the medical bills are now coming in and the uncertainty of what expenses lie ahead. We don’t want Morgan or her family to worry about how the bills are going to be paid. Morgan and her family have a loving support system around them and I know we all will do whatever we can to further support them as they focus on the goal of reaching remission and finally to be cured of Leukemia. We ask that you share this fundraiser with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors. Bring it to the attention of anyone who you think would like to join the support team for Morgan and her family. We have countless prayer warriors who have been praying for Morgan and her family daily since September and we ask that you continue with those prayers. The power of prayer has been realized in what we call a Christmas Miracle. Morgan has 5 siblings who were tested to be bone marrow donors. ALL 5 SIBLINGS were matches, which is unheard of! The goal now is to get Morgan where she needs to be to be considered ready for a bone marrow transplant. We know that will happen through your support and prayers. If you would like to be part of the #WeFightWithMorgan-Faith Over Fear Team and follow her progress, please visit her CaringBridge site at:
A CaringBridge Site was created for Morgan. It‘s a caring social network to help people stay connected with family and friends during a health event.
Visit Morgan's Site: https://caringbridge.org/visit/wefightwithmorgan
Site Name: wefightwithmorgan
Thank you for your generosity and compassion for Morgan and her family. It is very much appreciated.