Morgan Medical Fund
2020 has been a challenging year for everyone, but especially for Morgan (age 12) and his family.
As a baby and young child Morgan was a typical, energetic, sweet little boy. Morgan did suffer from chronic strep throat infections and took antibiotics frequently. Then, in November, 2019, Morgan started once again to experience a sore, red, and swollen throat with white blisters, upset stomach, abdominal pain and was diagnosed with chronic strep throat. Not only that but...Morgan started exhibiting strange behaviors. A small tic of pursing his lips, and appearing to have increased anxiety and OCD type symptoms. Something his parents had not seen him do before. They chalked it up to being ill and followed up with his pediatrician. It was decided that Morgan should have his tonsils taken out due to frequent throat issues. COVID-19 put a halt on that endeavor. More tics and an increased amount of anxiety and depression. Much to Mary and Todd's chagrin, they continued to bring him back to the pediatrician, hoping to find the magic cure that would treat his sore throat, and everything could go back to normal. Little did they know...this a was JUST the beginning.
Feb 2020-Morgans OCD symptoms increase, he started to show an increased interest in calorie intake and starts changing what he ate.
March 2020 -- COVID-19 hit. Morgan's symptoms not only persisted, but increased. More obsessive thoughts and more tics. He celebrated his 11th birthday! He passed on cake and ice cream...which was unusual... On-line school was mandatory and Morgan began the new "normal" like all his classmates and maintained good grades amidst the strep throat pain. He mentioned a few times that he didn’t like what he saw in the reflection of the computer screen to which Mary and Todd chalked up to just taking an interest in his appearance, after all, middle school was on the horizon!
June 2020 -- Morgan began being very aware of the calories he was consuming and mentioning he would like to be thinner and and obsessing over calorie intake. Morgan continued to have a constant sore throat but his strep tests where always negative? The growing threat of "does he need to get his tonsils removed" loomed over Mary and Todd's head. Hospitals where not a place you wanted to be amidst the global pandemic!
July 2020 -- Morgan's behavior and attitude around food and calories was becoming more and more concerning. He continued to calorie count and restrict certain foods due to "high calories or fat content." His loving parents thought they could ALL eat a little healthier and took heed to Morgans's request regarding certain foods he had become resistant to eating. Morgans symptoms increased and he spent the days in his room, in the dark despite his mom and dad trying to encourage him! Continuing forward, the family took a healthy approach to many meal choices and tried to make the most of being home full time, thanks to COVID.
August 2020 -- Morgan was only eating low-calorie foods and restricting some foods altogether and began to have a significant increase in tics; blinking eyes, bobbing head, clenched hands, etc. His demeanor and attitude became subdued and became more withdrawn with the family. His eyes became dark and depressed and he was losing a significant amount of weight. Through this time Morgan complained of sore throat and lingering stomach problems and the barrage of antibiotics were prescribed by fantastic doctors as they continued to do what they do best, cure the common strep throat!
October 2020 -- Morgan's charismatic personality and contagious smile were rarely seen as the eating disorder had completely taken over and kidnapped his energy and zest for life. Severe depression and many tics were developing. Mary and Todd continued to be amazing parents and offered kind words of advice, healthy meals, many food options and could not understand this drastic change their child had made in four short months. WHAT WAS GOING ON??!!
November 2020 -- Mary and Todd were determined to get the best care and help for their son who was obviously suffering from the inside out. The best pediatricians monitored him and finally made the realization the eating disorder had taken hold and Morgan was no longer able to make food choices for himself. His parents wrapped their arms around him and started therapy immediately. Morgan was receptive and respectful to the therapists and clinicians meanwhile struggling with strep throat and the debilitating pain it caused.
January 2021 -- Morgan's symptoms and tics have grown to catastrophic measures and can no longer be managed at home. He had become ritualistic and began the typical OCD tendencies including flipping light switches on and off a certain amount of times. Mary and Todd had to get their son to the hospital as his tics have taken on a life of their own and have become a huge distraction while he was doing online schooling.
Beginning of February 2021 -- the tics have now become completely debilitating and have morphed into pseudoseizures and another visit to the hospital was in order as Morgan could not hold a sentence or even comprehend what was going on around him. The rituals of OCD increased and the obsessions were now interfering with day-to-day tasks. All the while, the strep throat continued and never went away.
End of February 2021 -- Morgan has been diagnosed with PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infections which have an acute onset of neuropsychiatric symptoms, specifically OCD or tics (involuntary, purposeless movements). "PANDAS patients test positive strep throat. The patients also may suffer from uncontrollable emotions, irritability, anxiety and loss of academic ability and handwriting skills. They are often diagnosed with an eating disorder. In addition, they may have symptoms of depression, irritability, anxiety, and have difficulty with schoolwork." site: Standford Children's Health
Mary, Todd, Morgan and Charlie have all encountered incredible grief and confusion through this time, meanwhile, the medical bills are piling up. Mary has missed a lot of work due to medical appointments that are mandatory to figure out how they can help Morgan with his battle. They will be meeting with a PANDA's specialist doctor which is a mostly out-of-pocket expense even with medical insurance. In March 2021 they will be visiting Mayo Clinic for at least 5 days of testing and monitoring, of which the doctors and hospitals in the Twin Cities are not equipped with at this time. This is a fairly new diagnosis and is finally becoming recognized as severe and debilitating.
Any monies you can offer will help Mary and Todd with surmounting medical bills that they have now and will be enduring in the near future. Please continue to check back for updates