Morgans Message through the LLB Leadership Academy
Tax deductible
HI! We are four Live Like Blaine Leadership academy students raising money for Morgan's Message. We were tasked with creating a community service project, and because we all play lacrosse and feel passionate about raising mental health awareness, we wanted to promote the organization Morgan's Message. Morgan's Message is, "As an athlete, there is no shame in seeking physical healthcare -- the same should be true for mental healthcare. In order to close the gap, we must eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health together," (Morgan's Message). Here is the link to their website , all donations go directly to Morgan's Message, and anything is appreciated.
Fundraising team (4)
Maeve Hogan
Whitemarsh, PA
Morgan's Message INC
Naomi Shaffer
Team member
Molly Dougherty
Team member
Rakimah Whitmore
Team member