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Funeral cost for Moses Mawa

Donación protegida
My name is Viola Simon; I'm sister to the late Moses Mawa.

I am reaching out with a heavy heart to seek your assistance for an urgent matter. My brother, Moese Mawa, who was born in Yei, South Sudan in May 20, 1988, has sadly passed away here in Alberta, Canada. Moese was a kind, loving, and dedicated young man who always went out of his way to help those in need. He is survived by two young children who are now facing an incredibly difficult time without their father.

We are struggling to cover the costs of his funeral service and provide some support for his children during this challenging period. Any financial help you can provide would be deeply appreciated and would make a significant difference in ensuring that Moese is laid to rest with the dignity he deserves and that his children receive some support as they navigate this loss.

Thank you for considering our request during this difficult time. Your generosity would mean more than words can express.



  • Kiko Nyambi
    • $100
    • 2 d
  • May Nyambi
    • $136
    • 10 d
  • Anónimo
    • $100
    • 14 d
  • Christine Zuwe
    • $20
    • 16 d
  • Rose Stanley Luate Wani
    • $100
    • 17 d


viola simon

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