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Mother and daughter cancer

Donación protegida
Hi, my name is Bryan and I am fundraising for my mother and sister. Tragically, they were both diagnosed with cancer two months apart. My mother is on Medicare, but my sister has no insurance. Having recently bought a new house in a new area, they need help. Primarily, I would like help with my sister's medical expenses. Also, help with everyday expenses for the help they need around the house is appreciated. My mother is in a wheelchair, and my sister is reacting badly to treatment, so they need assistance.

They are kind people and have always helped family and friends when called to do so. Nobody deserves cancer, but it is especially painful to see it happen to two good people I love. Happening to both of them at the same time is unbelievably heartbreaking.

I appreciate the kindness of people and hope my mom and sister can get the help I can't give them.

Thank you

Organizador y beneficiario

Bryan Spear
Mountain View, MO

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