Mothers Day Flowers for Victims of Gun Violence
Tax deductible
"Waking up on Mother’s Day without your child can be very painful and lonely. Add to this the loss of loved ones to the Covid 19 pandemic and it can be even more traumatic on this Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is a day that moms are honored and celebrated by their child. But what about the mothers who lost a child to violence? The mom that will have to wake up and approach another holiday without their child. This day can leave a mom feeling a sense of loss, pain and loneliness. Unfortunately, I know this feeling firsthand since my oldest son Terrell Bosley was senselessly shot and killed at the age of 18 on the grounds of a church on his way to choir practice. Holidays without him will never be the same.
For me, Peace Flowers symbolize God’s promise to never forsake or leave moms during these turbulent times. Peace Flowers will brighten the day and bring a smile to a broken hearted mother, letting her know that she is supported, remembered and not forgotten." - Pamela Montgomery-Bosley
Southside Blooms (Chicago Eco HouseHouse's flower shop) and Homan Grown in collaboration with the Chicago Peace Fellows and Goldin Institute is raising money to give flowers to Chicago mothers who lost children to gun violence. These funds will be used to pay for the flowers and delivery to the mothers.

For me, Peace Flowers symbolize God’s promise to never forsake or leave moms during these turbulent times. Peace Flowers will brighten the day and bring a smile to a broken hearted mother, letting her know that she is supported, remembered and not forgotten." - Pamela Montgomery-Bosley
Southside Blooms (Chicago Eco HouseHouse's flower shop) and Homan Grown in collaboration with the Chicago Peace Fellows and Goldin Institute is raising money to give flowers to Chicago mothers who lost children to gun violence. These funds will be used to pay for the flowers and delivery to the mothers.

Quilen Blackwell
Chicago, IL
Nehemiah Group DBA Chicago Eco House