Mom's Continuing medical Expenses
My mom has fought a fierce battle with a dislocated bone. After several surgeries and an infection that nearly killed her, the doctors discovered that the infection was deep in the ankle bone and the only way to save her from getting sicker or dying is to amputate.
My mother is an extremely hard worker and right now she is depressed. Shes been crying since she found out the diagnosis.
If there is any way we could raise some money for her, i would really appreciate it. Thank you so much in advance.
This is my mom's story in her own words:
So for those who have asked.. i went to the dr on Wednesday and the final diagnosis isn't good.
To recap. Since February i have been dealing with my left foot. I had dislocated my navicular bone. This required surgery (feb 28th) and so i had that done the dr put a plate and screws in to hold it all in place. A few weeks later the dr took x-rays and said that one of the screws was backing out.So back into surgery i go that was in May, A few days later i went to the dr and pointed out a lump on my foot. It hurt to the touch and looked swollen. The dr said it wasn't anything to worry about.
He took x-rays and said it was the screw coming back out again and rubbing on things which was irritating the foot. On the 5th of july the dr went back in to remove the hardware. I stayed in the hospital a few days and was kinda worried because my foot was bleeding. That hadn't happened at any other surgery so i thought it was pretty odd. But the dr came saw me, bandaged it back up and said it was fine.
A week or so later, i was using the walker and kept overbalancing. Fell several times. I ended up going into my brothers room and sleeping on his bed. I was cold. soo cold. When he finally took my temperature it was high. So he took me to the hospital.
The wound was infected. Badly. One doc told me i was a few days from dying it was that bad. Into surgery i went again, where they cleaned it out and put a vacuum pump on my foot, that helped to pull out the infection and heal the wound. I spent time in the hospital for that. My kidneys had issues for a bit with the antibiotics but they got that cleared up.
When i finally was allowed to go home. I had to see 2 new doctors. One from infectious Disease to manage the infection with antibiotics.And a wound doctor who managed the wound. Cleaning the edges and watching it heal. Even pulling out a bit of sponge from my foot that was healing into the wound. The lump on my foot was bigger and went around behind my ankle to the other side. so i pointed it out to all of them. Infectious Disease ordered an Mri of my foot to see what was going on.
When i went to get the results the doctor (podiatrist) hadn't even looked at the mri and told me it didn't matter because it wasn't something bad. I went to Infectious Disease where the dr explained that the lump was infection/fluid and bone fragments. He said the only way to deal with it was an amputation. 0.0 I cried. I got angry. I went and got a second opinion. At this time i went to wound care and because of the diagnosis the last time i went he just looked at the wound, bandaged it up and patted my leg and said there was nothing that could be done.
So October 5th i went to see the new doc. He ordered a cat scan, vascular test, and ultrasound of my foot, on Wednesday i learned what the lump was, and what happened.
The lump is infection and fluid. There's a few pockets in my foot besides just there. The bad news is the infection is in my bones and has been eating away at them. The doc said i could keep my foot but be on antibiotics for the rest of my life, (which eventually my foot would break up and i'd lose it anyway, or the infection could overpower the antibiotics and i'd still loose my foot and possibly my life.
Or they could amputate below the knee.
I had no choice, not really, not if i want to get better.
I chose to have my foot amputated.
That happens on the 25th.One last surgery in the saga of my foot.
I've been crying, i am mad at the doctor who ignored the lump and by doing that let the infection get into my bones. He could have saved it.
so yeah.. the foot saga will be over, and then it will be healing, rehab, prosthetic. and i absolutely hate this.