Mother's & House of Bridges
Spende geschützt
Hello lovelies,
I'm a chef in Milwaukee. I've worked virtually every job a restaurant has to offer, including cooking at 4 Beard nominated restaurants.
We seek to make restaurants a more fair and less exploitative industry by implementing cooperative ownership, royalties on dishes created by staff, annual cookbooks and cooking tutorials whose profits go directly back to the restaurants to supplement wages and benefits, employer paid insurances, reasonable work weeks, support of local farmers over corporate food providers, profit sharing, mutual aid across all demographics, and weekly pay-what-you-can meals for people struggling to keep food on their tables.
All donations will be used to make these projects tangible by way of licensing, lease of space, further fundraising by way of popups, and eventually, the formation of the restaurants themselves.
It's my hope that crowdfunding will help us avoid investors whose cost would limit our ability to perform the services and practices we want to implement.
Thank you lovelies

Vanessa Rose
Milwaukee, WI