Motorcyclist struck by black sedan. Hit and run.
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Ashley and I’m raising funds for my husband who was in a motorcycle accident. He was rear ended by another vehicle that fled the scene and left him in the middle of the highway to die. We’re working with the local news to see if we can locate the driver who struck my husband.
Tuesday night he went out for some tacos and never made it back home. I was at home with our 6 month old baby when I received the scare of my life that my husband was involved in a hit and run accident.
Paramedics rushed him to Aventura hospital where he is still being treated for his injuries. He has several broken ribs, a fractured clavicle and a fracture on his spine. Due to the location of his injuries they cannot operate on him. He cannot walk from the pain. He can barely move as every movement is excruciatingly painful. They have him on so many different medications to manage the pain that he is constantly nauseated and breaking out in sweat. His lower back has severe road rash and the wounds need to be cleaned daily. He screams from the pain and it breaks my heart watching him go through all of this.
I am a stay at home mom with our daughter and my husband is the one who works to provide for his family. Due to his injuries he will not be able to work and we don’t know how long he will be trying to recover from this. We need help to pay all the hospital bills and now we have no income. All the money would be to help us with basic needs, food, bills, rent, medication, and formula for our baby among other things.
If you find it in your heart to please donate, even if it’s just $5.00 anything helps.
I truly appreciate you.
Ashley Fernandez
Hollywood, FL