Mountain Ranch Wildlife Rehabilitation
Hi, my name is Ellen and I operate Mountain Ranch Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc. We are a federally licensed, non- profit wildlife rehab group in north Georgia, who specialize in orphaned and injured whitetail deer fawns. This is the time of year when many whitetail deer fawns are injured or orphaned by cars, dogs, predators or farm equipment. We work closely with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and follow all state and federal guidelines for whitetail deer housing, care and release. Our goal is rehabilitation and release into the wild, with as little stress to the animal as possible, in as little as four months. During the summer fawn season, we may take up to 30 fawns into our care facility. This can be a very expensive proposition, as fawns require scheduled feedings of goat milk every 2 to 4 hours for the first few weeks. We also have considerable expenses for vet care, medication, first aid products, cleaning supplies, gas for pick-up and transport to and from the vet, and pet carriers to house the fawns. 100% of your donation will go to the care and feeding of our animals...all of our volunteers donate their time for the sake of the animals. MRWR has filed with the IRS to be a 501c3 approved organization. Approval is pending, but once completed, your donation will be entirely tax deductible. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about our service. We greatly appreciate any financial help that you can provide.