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Tori & River

Spende geschützt
We are helping our dear friend Tori. A hard working very talented single mother who's daughter recently fell and has been in the hostpitial for days with head trauma short term memory loss and other issues . Tori will need help with living expenses and medical bills as she has not left her daughters side for a minute. My heart aches for her and I want help her being a single mom myself I can't fathom. I understand her daughter River, a beautiful women, only has Tori during this time as she gets better. I want to help Tori not worry or stress about not working or how she will pay the bills. Tori is a great friend helped me through such difficult times. I truly love her. My friends and I see asking for anything to help her a dollar would even help. Thank you!


Ashley Meyer
Westlake Village, CA

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