Please Support our Research ALTYNP
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Having found a research project here in the park, now its up to me to find funding. This is the chance of a lifetime, to do what one peer reviewer described as “foundational” work, and another, “critical”. Your help so far has enabled me to conduct the first six seasons of field work, complete the initial study, confirm my hypothesis, write and present the first paper for publication and begin an addemdum. Now, another season is upon us and more work to be done, I can’t do it without you. Please donate today. To make a tax deductible donation ↓
You can now preview the first paper here https://www.defendourparks.org/preview-moose-ne-entrance-area
We are a registered 501c3. DLN #26053664003293. To make a tax deductible donation, either donate here or for larger contributions, mail us a check made out to "The Polar Zoo" addressed to, The Polar Zoo care of First Interstate Bank 903 Scott St W. Gardiner MT 59030
All funds so far have been exhausted in previous years and the accounts for this work now stand at something like negative $14,850. You read that right. Down $14,850.
I'm presently in Colorado looking for work and trying to dream up enough money to make it back to the park for another season of field work. If you can at all manage it, please do consider a small donation today.
The park is a giant laboratory, the last most intact temperate ecosystem in the lower 48. To a scientist this is what the park is all about. To me it’s a dream come true. I can’t believe I discovered this, and I can’t believe I might lose it because I don't have the funding. A chance to do real science and make meaningful discoveries. How many people can say they had that chance and how can I just let it go without exhausting all possibilities.
Please help if you can.
Your donations will be used to further this research project and go towards all the various expenses of being here and writing and conducting field research.
The first paper has passed peer review and been accepted for publication, then it got complicated. Editors began arguing back and forth each demanding it be written to their own specifications, and there was no pleasing them. So now we're in at a bigger journal with more professional ethics and a higher impact rating & confident we'll be accepted again. What a ride.
Ominous Ann
“There was a dream once that was the USNPS, you could only whisper it, anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile”.
Marcus Aurelius modified.
Ominous Ann
Canyon Village, WY