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Baby Jessica's Broken Tibia

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Hello my fellow friends, family, and lovers of Jess Klynsma!

As some of you may know, Baby Jessica broke her leg last Friday the 13th while bouldering.

All the damn Devil stars aligned as she fell from the top of an overhang. After two different ER trips, she was told that while only her Tibia is fractured, the two surrounding bones are badly displaced. This type of displacement requires surgery to insert a plate between the bones in order to hold everything together.

If this wasn't shitty enough, she can't get in for this particular surgery until the end of the month. Which means that the bones will start healing on their own, in their current displaced postition, requiring a re-break before the plate surgery.

Jessica is facing months of recovery time (sans income), and tens of thousands of dollars in doctor's bills (because, like so many of us freelancers, she is also sans health insurance). 

To put the icing on the goddamn shit-cake, she has to miss her sister's wedding AND is due to move into a new apartment March 1st. 

If you can spare 10, 20, 1000 (jk) bucks, please donate to our girl's fund. Let's help Baby Jessica get back on her feet, both physically and financially.
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  • Bossa Nova
    • $50
    • 9 yrs
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Abby Milly
Brooklyn, NY

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