Mr. Stormy Rogers Geriatric Fund
Tax deductible
I have been dreading this post all day but everyone who loved this boy without even meeting him deserves to know
Yesterday, late afternoon we had to say goodbye to Mr. Stormy Rogers. Throughout the day we noticed his respiratory rate increasing, his breathing became heavier, his abdomen became distended, overall he did not seem comfortable in anyway. We immediately rushed him to our amazing rescue vet, just being there the day prior for his seizures.
Radiographs and an ultrasound were performed to inevitably find out our boy was in congestive heart failure. Our vet explained to us that yes, you could do further testing and expensive medicines but ultimately leading up to the diagnosis, the seizures and his high organ values are telling you that his body said “enough is enough”.
We made the hardest decision I think we have ever had to make in deciding to let him go because let me tell you, this boy left his paw prints on every single one of our hearts. I am just sobbing while I sit here writing this. I FaceTimed the amazing Momma Steph to listen to what the vet had to say and we both just broke down in tears, not wanting to accept defeat but knowing we had to for this boys quality of life.
Mr. Stormy Rogers you will never be forgotten and everyone at Calla’s Critter Rescue will make sure of this. In honor of our sweet geriatric boy, we will be creating a fund in his honor to help other geriatric cases just like him. They will at least have a place to live out the rest of their days whether it’s a few days, a week, a month. At least this boy had two weeks of warmth, love and all the food he could ever imagine.
There is a reason this boy found us, I think it was to shine some light on a direction I never thought this rescue would take but let me tell you I have never wanted to help cases like this as much as I do now.
To all who have donated to help this boy, again thank you thank you thank you! His medical bills have been covered with your help and the remaining funds will be put towards his fund to help other kitties like him. If you feel so inclined to give towards his fund please do so below. Let’s not let this boy die in vain, let’s use his memory to help others like him until it’s time for them to also say goodbye. There will always be a place for them at Calla’s Critter Rescue from now on.
P.S. for those who do not think rescue is hard or that involved, think again and also think before you speak or try to belittle rescues. Because guess what this feeling absolutely sucks I would love it if everyone would please SHARE MR. STORMY ROGERS’ story
(A huge thank you to the amazing momma Stephanie Messinger Gibson for sitting with him during his last few seconds, these two really bonded the past two weeks and I am so happy she was the one to be by his side at the end♥️)
“Mr. Stormy Rogers Geriatric Fund”:
Calla Gibson
Warwick, PA
Calla’s Critter Rescue