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MRI for LeRoi

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We have had LeRoi since he was 12 weeks old.  About a month ago we noticed he had a bad head tilt going on. Like most Shar-pei's, he has had his share of ear infections, so we took him into the vet. The medication they prescribed us didn't help and his symptoms got worse.  A week later we woke up and he was panting heavily, equilibrium was off, diarrhea and heavy hacking and coughing. We immediately took him into Blue pearl where they admitted him for two nights. They took x-rays, ultrasounds, did a scope of his throat, blood work and fluid therapy. They ruled out any masses that could be causing his issues and could only tell us that he has partial paralysis of the left side of his esophagus. His head tilt and equilibrium was still the same. The next step we took him to Blue Pearl's specialty dermatologist to look at his ear thinking it is still a bad infection. They gave us a different medication with steroids in it. Since then it like his left side of his body has been shutting down. His left eye and lip droops, still has some issues with breathing and swallowing and mostly he can't walk or eat without being assisted. After spending about $7,000 so far we still don't have answer as to what is actually going on. The Doctors say the next step would be to get an MRI to make sure there isn't any masses around his brain that is causing a neurological issue. Every day he seems to be getting worse and worse as he is scared to move around the house and fall.

With the pandemic going on, I have lost my job for the last 3 months due to working in sports production so money has run dry and I have turned to GoFundMe.

We are asking for any help that you can give us to get our boy an MRI of his head so we can figure out what is going on. Any additional funds over the goal will go towards his prior medical bills. Thank you for your support, thoughts and prayers for our Pei.


  • Susan Moore-Salmon
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
  • Justin Owens
    • $20
    • 4 yrs
  • Kathy Rigau
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
  • Maxwell Hutson
    • $20
    • 4 yrs
  • Tyler Prado
    • $20
    • 4 yrs


Chris Doran
Clearwater, FL

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